LXII. Happy Ending

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Chapter 62, Happy Ending

" Be grateful for you have, stop taking advantage of it. You never know when your next moment could be your last. "

~ Natalie James's POV ~

Months had passed, I was better than ever.
Coco had moved out of Georgia and moved to California where she met Gavin, she seemed happy when you look at her Instagram posts.
I've been posting on my Instagram since I got home, everyone was glad to know I was still alive.

We all decided to go play golf, I suck at playing golf but if it made everyone else happy then it wouldn't hurt to try.
I changed into mom jeans and a light pink shirt, I grabbed Jaden's bucket hat and grabbed my phone before I left my room.

Once I got downstairs, I grabbed Mila and placed her on my hip.
School was coming to an end since it was already April, time flies when you're having fun I'm guessing.

The twins turn one in July 11th, I was quite excited since they're getting so big so fast.
Once we got to the golf course, us teens ran off alone while the adults stood with the younger ones.

I decided to take photos of everyone playing golf, seeing everyone happy again made me happy.
As I walked off to get some air, Javon followed behind me.

He swept me off my feet making me squeal and laugh, he cut Coco off completely so that made me happier.
He set me down, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He's taken me on dates, bought gifts and proved that he was ready to choose me over anyone in the world.
It took him months to get me to trust and forgive him again, I laid my head on his shoulder and we started swaying.

"I'm glad to have you back."

Javon whispered softly into my ear, I smiled slowly and nodded in agreement.
It felt good to have him back as well, I felt like the world had finally stopped punishing me.

We started talking about random things, we held hands and began to walk around the golf course.
My mind was running wild and free, I thought of dating him whenever I'm around Javon.

We interlocked fingers and made dumb jokes, I looked at him.
He looked back at me and his eyes were filled with love, I took a deep breath and kissed his cheek softly.

He smiled and kissed my cheek as well, we continued our conversation.
We had been walking in circles but I didn't mind, his company made me want to run all of Earth's core.

Soon in my head, I was hearing In Luv With U by Finn.

I'm in luv with U.

He swayed our hands and kissed mine, I blushed a bit and looked away with the biggest smile on my face.
Nobody could have wiped my smile off, I had been the happiest than I ever have for the past months.

I'm in luv with U, more than summer and afternoons

We stopped walking, we hadn't noticed but we were at the golf course for hours already.
Nobody was ready to go home yet, as the sunset he pulled me in by my waist and leaned in.

"May I kiss you?"

He asked softly, I nodded slowly.
Soon out lips connected, it felt so right, our lips moved in sync.

I belong to you

I closed my eyes almost immediately, I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled away to catch my breath.
He smiled at me and kissed my forehead, somehow I ended up with the guy I wanted after fighting for him for so long.

"What's one thing you would say to someone who were in your shoes right now?"

He asked me softly as we laid down on the grass, watching the sunset beautifully.

" Be grateful for what you have, stop taking advantage of it. You never know when your next moment could be your last. "

I answered after staying silent for a moment to think of what good advice I should say.
Javon looked at me and smiled, he pecked my lips and then we went back to watching the sunset.
The stars began to show, I loved stargazing with Javon.

Our hands were tangled up together, he interlocked our fingers and kissed my hand.
I smiled, I'm the happiest girl in the world.

Soon we leaned in and kissed, just like in the movies, I felt like the camera started to move up and a song began to play.
I most likely loved Come a Little Closer by Cage The Elephant.

Time flies by, they all sing along.

I laid my head on his shoulder and continued stargazing.

Time flies by, they all sing along.
Time flies by, they all sing along.

"Those notes you left in my locker made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. Or in your eyes."

I said softly, he smiled and looked down at me.

"Good, because you are. You're the only one I have eyes for."

He responded, I smiled big and looked up at him.
He kissed me softly and then that's when the camera in every movie continues moving up, the song continues.

Time flies by, bye, bye.

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