XII. Coke Thief

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Chapter 12, Coke Thief

" You owe me a Coke, I'll make sure you never forget until you get me one. "

~ Natalie James's POV ~

Garrett walked into my room but before he got the chance to wake me up, my eyes shot open.
He jumped back, but smiled and left my room.

I went to my bathroom, brushed my teeth and did my skincare routine and took care of my hair.
I changed into a light blue crop top with matching tights and put on my black sneakers.

I grabbed my dufflebag, wallet and phone and went downstairs.
The sun was out and shining but not too bright, it was breezy outside as well.

"You got your letter right?"

Garrett asked as he turned on the car, I connected my phone to the car and scrolled through my favorite songs.
I nodded slowly, I didn't want to speak because my mind was running wild.

"You're awfully quiet."

I sighed and looked at him, we were at a red light so he looked back at me.

"What if the letter was just a joke, people are cruel like that."

I answered truthfully, Garrett looked back at the road since the light changed but you could tell he was still trying to think of the right words to say.

"Well it isn't, just be confident."

I nodded and watched as the car parked, I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbed my dufflebag and got out of the car.
I was quite nervous to go inside because of, of Javon.

But I walked in anyways because I needed to have confidence in myself, it's what made me, me.
The minute I got in, Javon looked over at me from the ring.

I waved and smiled sheepishly before walking over to my locker and placing my things in there.
I grabbed my water bottle and gloves and went straight to the weights, I remembered what Javon told me and used it.

"Hey, didn't think you'd come back."

I turned around to see the buzzcut boy, I smiled at him and nodded slowly
Truth be told Javon, I wasn't planning on coming back but a certain note made me come.
But you don't deserve to know that. Yet.

"Wasn't planning to but my brother and I have a tight bond that could not be broken."

I said as he smiled at me.

"Yeah okay, or maybe he wouldn't let you sleep."

I laughed at his sentence, I mean that was the truth yesterday but today I needed to deliver a message.
He laughed with me and decided we can work out together.

"I'm quite thirsty, want to come with me to the vending machines to get a coke?"

I asked politely as I fixed my ponytail.
I was out of breath, sweat rolled down my chest and down my face, I quickly wiped it off with a towel.
He nodded and we both made our way to the vending machine.

"Coke or Pepsi?"

Javon asked, this was a very controversial question.
Little did he know he could start world war three with that question, along with should pineapple belong on pizza?

"Do you want to get hit?"

He chuckled at my response as I put a dollar in and clicked a button for the coke.
The can popped out but he swiped it, has this man never watched Dora the Explora?

Javon gave me a dollar, I refused it though.
I mean it is just a drink, but he didn't let me.

"Just take the dollar, come on make it easy for the both of us."

He pleaded which soon I gave in and took the dollar, I grabbed my coke can and we walked back to the weights.

" You owe me a Coke, I'll make sure you never forget until you get me one. "

I said playfully to which he laughed at, his laugh was music to my ears.
I excused myself to put the letter into his locker, I ran back to him and we continued to talk.

I'm hoping that he's the secret admirer and it's not someone else or worse, a joke.

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