II. Sibling Bonding Time

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Chapter 2, Sibling Bonding Time


~ Natalie James's POV ~

"Get up loser, 7/11 is open!"

I heard a hushed tone whisper to me as they began to shake me awake, it was probably way to early.
I waited for a moment before I opened my eyes slowly and sit up to get a better look at who exactly was disturbing my sleep.


"No, it's Timmy Turner. Who else would wake up you up for 7/11?"

I groaned and rolled my eyes as my vision cleared up, Garrett looked impatient.
I sighed and got up, looking through my closet in hopes I'd find something comfortable and casual.
As I searched it dawned on me, the sun wasn't even out yet, so why would I be out?

"Gare, I understand that you love 7/11 but the sun isn't even out and I'm exhausted."

He scoffed and stood up, gently pushing me aside so he can help me find an outfit good enough for this unexpected hang out.
Although it was really kind of him, he didn't answer my question and that was important.

"Wow thanks, love talking to the wall."

I said sarcastically which caused him to stop rummaging through my closet and looking straight at me, I felt awkward, eye contact is not my thing.
He looked like he was trying to find the right words so I wouldn't back out, even though I wouldn't because it's 7/11 and their blue raspberry slushy is amazing.

"Got a massive craving for it and I know you love their slushies so why not take you with me and it's actually 5:49 in the morning."

He answered in a matter of factly before returning his attention to my closet, that was a valid point.
I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, I popped a mint just in case I still had specks of bad morning breath.

I walk back into my room to notice a pair of gray sweat pants, a tank top and a zip-up sweater.
He was already out of the room by the time I came out of the room, he took out my baby yellow converses as well.

Great style, I'm just glad that we were on break.
I grab my phone off the charger and run downstairs quickly but quietly, I grab my wallet off the counter and walk outside to be greeted by my brother, Garrett.

"Walking or driving?"

I took a moment to decide, we can get exercise and bonding time if we do walk but then we can jam out to some music and still have bonding time if we drive.
I bit my lip and sighed as I had finalized my decision.

"We shall walk, no need to waste gas or money for gas."

He nodded and smiled as he began to walk, I shoved my wallet in my pocket and walked faster to catch up to him.
I had a small speaker that I grabbed when I was changing and had decided to cut the comfortable silence with some music.

"What song do you wanna listen to on our journey for our favorite snacks that are stashed away in our favorite store?"

I made sure I said if very dramatically causing him to chuckle a bit, I laughed as well before he took my phone and went onto my Spotify playlist that I made for the both of us.
It was titled "7/11 🧍🏻‍♀️".

We spoke as we waited for the ad to finish playing since I didn't feel like paying for premium to get rid of the ads, which resulted in my getting teased by both Danielle and Garrett whenever we hung out.

We sang along to the lyrics, Paper Rings by Taylor Swift since it was our favorite.
We danced around and laughed whenever one of us fell, this was the moments I cherished the most with my siblings.

"Alright we're here, time to go spend money!"

Garrett laughed at my sentence and followed me inside, I quickly ran to the slushy machine and made my blue raspberry.
I walked around and looked for some snacks that I might like.

I took a bag of Doritos, some cheese puffs and a cosmic brownie.
Even though I had to have a craving for the brownie, the little candies on top were the best thing ever.
I walked to the cashier and waited for my brother to come.

"Come around here often?"

I was focused on watching my brother get the rest of his snacks when the voice snapped me out of it.
I looked up to notice it was the cashier, he looked around eighteen or twenty.

"Not interested."

I answered bluntly as I went back to my brother, he finally came back and put his snacks on the counter.
He had sour straws, m&M's, cheese puffs and gummy worms.

We left and continued to listen to more music, singing along whenever our favorite songs came on.
We went off to an abandoned carnival which is where we mostly came whenever we woke up for 7/11.

"Tell me something that you thought was true but came out as false."

I took a moment before answering, there were a couple of things I thought of when I first saw Garrett but were quickly demolished in no time, but there was one thing I couldn't shake off.

"Your sexuality."

I said bluntly causing him to choke on his cherry slushy, he looked at me and started to laugh a bit.

"You're kidding, NJ I'm straight."

I hummed in response as I took a sip from my slushy before looking at him, it took a second before we bursted out with laughter.
I love my brother, I truly do but one thing he isn't is straight.

"You're kidding, Garrett you're totally in denial!"

He laughed harder as if that was the funniest joke he's ever heard, but I when he laughs it made me happy.
I mean he's always sweet and making others laugh so it must feel good to have someone make you laugh.

"Come on Nat, I a-"

I didn't give him a chance to deny his sexuality once more when I interrupted him.


We laughed even harder that our insides began to hurt, this was the best way to spend your morning and even better way to spend time with your siblings.

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