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Jungwon's POV

"And, that's because Jay was kidnapped, Jungwon"

I immediately widened my eyes after hearing that from Jay's mom.

"J-Jay was kidnapped?" I repeated.

She nodded. "Yes, we've been trying to keep this away from him so, please do me a favor, Jungwon"

"Yes, Mrs. Park. I'll keep my word" I said.

I want to ask more but, that will make me look like a nosy one.

I stood up as a sign that I'll leave already but, Mrs. Park called me again.

"I've been so curious about this, Jungwon" She started. "Are you perhaps in a relationship with my son?"

I was so caught off guard by Mrs. Park's question that I don't know how to reply to that.

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry, you two are probably just friends" Mrs. Park said when I didn't respond. "It's just that you two are very close and comfortable to each other as what I have observed, Jay also mention you telling us how great you are as the university president and I can see that Jay started to be more active when you two became friends. Thank you, Jungwon" She said and smiled genuinely afterwards

"Ah, you are very welcome, Mrs. Park" I said and smiled.

"You should come with us for dinner later. What do you think?" She offered. "Ms. Yoon wants to see you again too, the maid you helped with the boxes. Yes, she told me about that"

It's just a dinner after all. "Of course, Mrs. Park"

"Great. Come here after your classes, okay?"

"I will, Mrs. Park" I said and left the office.

Jay's POV

"What?! You confessed?!" Sunghoon said still surprised.

"Why are you so shocked when you want this to happen?" I asked.

"What did Jungwon say?" Jake asked.

I shook my head. "He thought that I'm still pretending"

Jake sighed. "See? You can't blame Jungwon if he still thinks that you're pretending because the set up that you two are in, is really confusing"

"I agree. Why don't you just stop pretending and hit on Jungwon for real?" Sunghoon said.

"Or, make Jungwon jealous" Jake said.

"The heck? Why would I make him jealous?" I asked.

"Just like what others say, true emotions come out when jealousy is around" Jake said.

"Yeah, just like what you feel when you see Daniel and Jungwon together" Sunghoon said and wiggled his brow.

I shook my head. "No, I can't do that to him"

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