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Jungwon's POV

Today's the most awaited foundation day. I came here earlier with the other university officers, faculties and staffs to prepare other things while I'll be checking the activities and booths.

"Where's your friends, hyung?" Daniel asked.

"Ah, I came here earlier so, they're probably doing their routines now" I said while checking the first booth. "I think, we should remove these creep papers 'cause, it might get in the way later when people starts to take a picture here" I suggested to the team who's in charge with the booth.

"Of course, President Yang" They said and quickly work on it.

"You're working hard until now, hyung. You should be relaxing right now since, you're going to perform later" Daniel said.

"This is my duty, Daniel" I said and chuckled. "Anyways, why did you suddenly quit the performance?" I asked.

He paused. "I just thought that if I'll be joining you as well then, who's going to take care of the other things when the President and me as the Vice President will be performing together? Like what they say, when the President's not around, the Vice President should be taking care of his duties" He explained and smiled.

"I understand now why the teachers chose you to be the Vice President. Thank you for your responsibility and initiative" I responded and gave him a sincere smile as well.

"I'm more grateful to you, hyung" He said.

The foundation will last for three days; first day's the opening with the performances later, second day's for the contests and games we prepared, and third day's for the other activities to be opened like the horror room, some performances according to what the other officers arranged and probably the day I'll become less busy to enjoy the foundation.

Booths and food carts will be available until the third day as far as I know.


I flopped onto the couch to sit after I checked all of the booths and activities today.

"Yah! Do you have to fall like that? You almost wrecked the couch" Sunoo complained while drinking some juice.

They just arrived a while ago and walked straight here in my office since, classrooms are closed.

"Yes since, I'm tired as hell!" I spat and gulped some water.

"Tch. That's because you're still doing your President duties when you're supposed to prepare for the performance with us" Sunoo said and rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Jungwon. You don't have to always prove that you're responsible just to give justice why you're the President here. Everyone know how hardworking you are" Heeseung hyung reminded me.

"I know, hyung" I said. "The event doesn't even started but, I'm already covered with sweats" I said then, the door opened to reveal the three other guys.

"What's with the all black outfit?" Sunoo commented.

"My theme today" Sunghoon said.

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