The Great Escape

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Holden stood silently since his apology. I couldn't respond, hell, I wasn't sure how to reply to it. I was torn. I hated him, but at the same time, my mother always taught me to forgive, but how could I forgive the monster that practically ripped my soul in half?

It was an awkward elevator ride that felt like an eternity. Holden stood beside me, and both of us were looking forward at the plain steel door, anxiously waiting for the elevator to arrive to the main floor.

He fidgeted his hands anxiously as the numbers ticked down. "Leave the red headed bitch to me, get to Diana first," he muttered under his breath.

I annoyingly rolled my eyes in his direction. "I think I know what I'm doing..."

He smirked, "Is that how you talk to your pack?"

"You think this is a good time to be making jokes?!"

"As my father would say, 'a good joke goes along way before the slaughter'."

"Wasn't it you, doing the slaughtering? Jokes come easy when you're the winning side."

He scoffed and nodded his head, "Jesus, your up tight."

"Just because you apologized doesn't mean I'm making small chat with you like we're buddies."

"Says the man who literally broke into my house and kidnapped my mate."

I peered over to Holden and let out a low growl, "Says the man who burned down her entire pack and killed her surviving family..." I was ready to punch this asshole out, but I had to contain myself. We both needed each other to make this plan work and he was making it extremely difficult.

"Oh, is that the assumption? I never had the heart to tell Diana her father tried killing me first."

"Are we seriously bickering about this now? Besides, you're a pathological liar, or maybe I would classify you as a crazy psychopath like your girlfriend Aria."

"She's my mistake, and I'll own it. I'm just telling you the truth Damian. It's what happened. And if Diana has to live thinking I was the one who made the strike that day when I met her family, I'll accept it. I wouldn't want her to remember them in a way like that."

"She was going to leave you anyways, especially if she had to listen to your whiny little voice every single day, or maybe you were too busy cheating on her?"

Holden lightly chuckled, "Haven't heard someone talk to me like that since father was still alive."

"Too bad he isn't here to see you lose his entire pack."

"Ah, the ugly truth, there it is. Irony at its best."

I slammed my fist in the door, "What the hell is the elevator doing, why is it taking so long!? We should have taken the stairs!"

"Why not a grand entrance Damian?" Holden pulled something from the floor behind his feet. I suppose everything had the stench of death around us and I failed to realize Holden was stashing something away. At first I thought the object was wrapped in a red blanket, but really, it was a white hospital sheet stained with blood.

I curiously looked at the object, "Is that what I think it is? I didn't see you..."

"While you were still coming back to reality in your dazed state, I swiped the poor boy's head... AND didn't take much of an effort too." He pulled the sheet off and a let out a large, crazed smile, "Isn't that right, Aaron?"

I immediately cringed at the sight of Aaron's disgusting head. "I'm sure Diana is going to love seeing that."

"Oh, I'm sure they all will."

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