Extraction: Part 1

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Time: 21:00:00

Everyone was paired up. Teams of two wasn't ideal, and maybe it didn't make sense, but we didn't have the numbers to have larger groups.

As for me, I was running solo.

Eric and Aaron were standing by for me to shut the security system down and also to extract Diana. Damian and Adam were in position to scale the building to reach Holden once Eric located him via the camera system.

Damian was the only one capable of killing Holden, so leaving the extraction to Eric and Aaron was the only option to ensure Holden was killed. However, we weren't sure if Holden was with Diana in the same room or somewhere else, it would only be determined when Eric hacked into the security system.

The rest of the Fenrir warriors were supposed to create a perimeter and block of the entry points to the building to ensure no reinforcements could get through.

The plan sounded simple, but it was far from it, and to make things harder, we had to use comm links as not all of us could mind link with one another. It was almost like having a micro walk-talkie my ear. It was uncomfortable, but it was the only way to speak to the others.

"Loki, when you find the security room, there should be an access panel on the left side of the main computer HUB. Plug in the USB that I gave you, which should override the access to me from here. I'll be able to control the building after its done. When that happens, the alarms will go off for a brief moment, causing the door to lock you inside. Everyone, including the Crimson pack will be alerted of your presence."

"Perfect. Anything else I should be aware of?" I casually walked down the empty hallway. A couple of nurses passed me, too afraid to look me in the eye.

They quickly disappeared around the corner.

I had on Crimson gear, and as far as anyone was concerned, I was still one of them. All the warriors on this floor of the hospital were mere grubs, low in rank, and probably too dumb to tell the difference between me and them.

I already passed by a couple of young Crimson warriors, and I acted like nothing was wrong. They actually gave me an affirmative nod, assuming I was still their superior.

"Good luck Loki, when we retrieve our Luna, we will come back for you," Eric voice came from the comm link in my ear. I wasn't sure where he was at the moment, but everyone was waiting for me to pull this part of the mission off.

"No need for the pleasantries. I'm in the god damn basement, and I'll be completely surrounded soon enough. I'll be dead by the time you get here. Just remember what you promised me Eric."

Eric sighed heavily, "Hippolyta doesn't deserve this..."

I smirked, "I know she's in good hands."

There was no reply from Eric, and all I could hear was his deep breathing on the other line.

"Besides, I got a little surprise for these bastards." I shifted around the C-4 in the backpack I was carrying over my shoulder. It was my fail safe, well, deep down I knew in my heart that I would be setting it off. I wouldn't let these assholes have the satisfaction of killing me. It will also ensure that no one could override the control when Eric takes over the system. The mainframe wasn't physically located in the building, so blowing it up at one of the hubs wouldn't make a difference.

All the more reason to carry a small bomb as a fail safe.

"Don't do anything stupid... We will come back for you," Eric replied.

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