Coming to Fruition

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I found myself daydreaming most of the day. I had to get my mind refocused while Diana was still asleep in my room. It drove me crazy being away from her, but I knew she was protected. I still had to lead my pack and I know my absence made my warriors uneasy.

Eric and I were going over border rotations using a map in my office when I started to smell a strong scent of Lavender and Lemon approaching the office.

It must be Diana.

"Well I think if we had Adonis and Alex leading this group over at the east side he could cover more terrain based on range overlooking the southern part of...." Eric discussed the rotations as I paced my eyes from the map to the door.

"Are you alright? You seem anxious."

"I think she read it."

"Holy, shit are you serious? You want me to leave?" He was already heading for the door, but I grabbed him by the arm.

"No stay."

I wanted Eric to be here because I knew Diana trusted him. After all, he was the one who compiled most of the information on Holden and maybe having him here would give her assurance.

"If you say so." He slumped back into his chair as he anxiously adjusted himself. He was just as nervous as I was.

"There she is." I could see footsteps at the door. Diana's sweet voice sounded like music to my ears, but I wondered who she is talking to?

"Excuse me, you can't go in there girl, who are you anyways? You don't belong in this pack!" I could hear Amanda on the other side of the door.

"If you want me slit that tiny little throat of yours I WILL. MOVE NOW!"

The two women finally burst into the room with Diana leading the way and Amanda trying her best to pull her back out by her arm. For a woman that has been in a coma for a few days, she looked exquisite.

Her hair was slightly messed from her sleep, but wasn't completely undone and I thought it looked sexy as hell. My heart raced as I trailed my eyes down to her bare legs poking through the black fabric of my t-shirt. My imagination was running wild, but I had to tame the beast within me. It wasn't the right time to let myself go...not just yet.

"Let go of me!" In the moment of frustration Diana swiped her extended claw across Amanda's face.

She screeched in horror, but from the looks of it, it was a mere flesh wound that would heal quickly.

"Alpha! She needs to be dealt with! This is unacceptable! I will not stand for this brutality!" Amanda held her hand to her face as blood and makeup dripped to the floor. I didn't give her the sympathy she expected, but rather the opposite.

"How about I deal with you!? YOUR FIRED, Eric will contact you in the morning with the details of you new assignment."


"BUT WHAT? You assumed a woman, wearing my clothes, wearing my scent, coming from my bedroom was a mere stranger? Then have the audacity to physically restrain her?! How pathetic. I actually thought more of you and this little incident has made me think otherwise."

I could see the tears forming in her eyes. Our physical relationship was in the past, but it seemed like her jealously had gotten in the way.

"Yes Alpha." She shamefully lowered her head and quickly retreated from my office.

"Now I got to deal with her." Eric mind linked to me as he rolled his eyes.

"What would I do without my Beta?" I smirked.

Two Alpha's, One MateWhere stories live. Discover now