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The silent tension was building. Damian's heart pounded through his chest as his darkened eyes continued its gaze on my naked body. I was weak and tired from all the events of today, and to top it all off, both of us were drenched in blood, but regardless, I still wanted him.

I crossed my arms, "I said I wanted time by myself." I decided I was going to have a little fun with Damian, who doesn't like a game of cat and mouse?

"Who said we are going to do what you wanted?" He stepped in closer and furrowed his eyebrows, obviously not pleased with my response.

"Who said you can do whatever the hell you wanted?" I raised my eyebrows and kept my arms crossed.

His finger cupped under my chin and brought my face upwards towards his.

"I've taken my time with you, I've done what I can do to delicately mend you into this pack and my life, and now you say you want time by yourself? After I just ripped a man's heart from his chest before he tried killing you?"

"Who said I needed saving?" I kept poking his beast and it was thrilling, like a hidden desire I thought I never had.

Damian let out a deep growl that brought more goosebumps to my skin and honestly, it was turning me on.

He pulled back a piece of my hair over my shoulder. "Tread lightly Diana," he swiftly un-crossed my arms to reveal my bare breasts, "Do you really think you can play with my mind that easy? I can smell your arousal, so don't lie to me. Would you like me to fuck you next to Alex's body for our first time? My wolf could care less where I claim you."

I peered down at Alex's headless corpse and soured my face.

"That's what I thought." Suddenly, Damian quickly reached for me and put me in his arms bridal style.

"I can walk you know!"

"I told you not to play with my mind Diana. You're not leaving my sight after today." Damian deviously smiled with blackened eyes.

"Where are we going?"

"Home." He growled.

My imagination was running wild as he walked back to the house. The silence, the heat and sparks emanating off our skin, all building up to this moment. I was scared and nervous, but I knew what I wanted now, and I couldn't be more excited.


"Get in."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. GET IN."

I stood silently, watching him.

"Do you want me to drag you in then?" Damian blocked the bathroom door and crossed his arms.

I was enjoying the resistance I was giving him, and I wasn't sure why. I wouldn't think twice about doing this with Holden.

I took one step underneath the spout. The walk-in shower had three surrounding glass walls that was accented with white marble tiling. There was enough room to fit six people in here, it was MASSIVE.

I brought my foot back out of the shower and peered over my shoulder. "Do you have to watch me?"

"YES, as a matter of fact I DO." He came in closer to the edge of the shower, causing me to back up under the spout. The warm water fell over me, soothing the ache that clawed at my limbs. Thick steam quickly filled the room as the water seeped through my hair, cleaning away all the mud and dried blood.

"Happy?" The water droplets blurred my vision, but I could see that he was inching himself towards me.


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