The Night of Chaos: Part 1

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Holden POV

The next day...

"What do you think Alpha?" Iris whispered next to me.

I held my finger to my forehead as I tapped my foot impatiently, hoping something more interesting would occur, but the two warriors sparring was as boring as watching a documentary on mute. No one on this trip has impressed me so far and I was to the point where I wanted to jump in the fight ring myself. The temptation always increasing as Iris brought out more warriors to 'impress' me.

"What do I think?" I scoffed. Watching them fight was worse then watching rats fight over a piece of food.

"We got a better line up of our newer warriors, you may be pleased with them." Iris glanced at his clip board, scrolling down the names with his fingers. He was a man of focus and never asked questions, another reason why we got along so well. I couldn't imagine running this pack without him.

"Hm, good." I sighed.

"You seem quiet Alpha. If you don't mind if I ask, is it regarding Diana?"

For a moment I hesitated when he brought up her name. A part of me was happy, and for once in my life I felt content. An unusual feeling that I was never familiar with when growing up.

"She said 'yes'." I smirked.

"Really? That's great Alpha, soon we will have an heir to train in this very stadium!" Iris held his hand high, pointing to the bright lights and the center ring where the two warriors continued to spar.

My father and I used to train here when we wanted to let loose. It was owned and managed by Alpha Cyrus of the Red Blood pack, he often opened his doors to me when I needed a getaway.

"Yes Alpha, so great." Aria's sarcastic remark sparked my attention, causing me to turn my head to the opposite side.

She was wearing an extra slutty top today, perhaps to impress some of the Red Blood pack members... Or maybe me? Who knew, but she enjoyed the getaway just as much as me. Her breasts were practically popping out of the blouse that she wore two sizes too small. If I didn't know her, I would never guess she was a murderous warrior.

I nudged her elbow and smirked to Iris sitting on the opposite side to me, "Maybe one day you will find a mate... Even if its an impossibility anyone will want you," I laughed and Iris joined in on the joke.

"Or maybe Iris can show me a thing or two, I mean he's has whole army of men coming in and out of his quarters at night." Aria laughed mockingly as she glanced over at Iris, who was having none of it. He sneered back as she giggled, her face blushed as she resettled herself back into the seat of her chair.

Aria was often a pain in the ass with her sarcastic attitude, but it often relieved some of the tense moments between the three of us.

"Ok kids, let's get back to business." I stood up, my eyes focused on the two sweaty warriors, still scuffing away. "I'll show you two how it's done." I proceeded walking towards the ring, eyes of spectators followed me as I approached them.

The young warriors were on the floor at this point, clutching each other for submission.

"Get up, both of you." I muttered in a deep voice.

Both of them scrambled to their feet as they caught their breathe. Their naked torsos were black and blue, while red bloodied claw marks covered their skin like works of art.

I felt forgiving today so I paused for a moment, allowing for their wounds to heal.

"You two against me."

Two Alpha's, One MateWhere stories live. Discover now