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Trigger Warning: This chapter has scenes of sexual abuse. If you are uncomfortable with that, of course, skip over this chapter. I just wanted to give you all a heads up and thanks again for reading!


I wasn't sure how long I was asleep for, was it all night? Was it days? I could smell familiar scents. Scents that I never wanted to inhale again, but here I was, laying back in the same bed that I left the night Damian found me.

I kept my eyes closed. I could hear him.

"I know your awake." Holden's voice came from the corner of the room.

I was scared to open my eyes, but I had to face him.

As I opened my eyes, I was met with light, a lot of light. Or was it the drugs that were given to me? My head was pounding. I placed my fingertips to my temples to calm the pulsating wave of pain emanating from my forehead.

"Need something for that?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I kept my eyes down, it was helping the headache, just until I could adjust to the light.

I was sitting in the same spot where I used to sleep on our old bed. Part of my body was under the blankets; I was still wearing the same white dress from the night. I suppose not that much time has passed on.

"What did you give me? It hurts." I hissed.

I couldn't confront him at the moment, the pain was getting worse. My head was pounding, like someone was taking a jack hammer to my head.

"Odd, but yet again, your pregnant. Must be affecting your ability to ingest certain things."

"You drugged me asshole." I looked up. He was standing in the dark corner, and I could barely see him, only his dark, large silhouette, standing still as he watched me closely. I felt like I was in an interrogation room and he was questioning me.

"Quite the mouth on you."

"So you say." I shuffled all the way back, looking around for anything that I could use as a weapon.

"Don't bother." He stepped forward, but it was still too dark to make out his face. "This room has been, how should I say... Upgraded for your arrival. See those windows?" He pointed to the large windows on the opposite end of the room, "Bullet proof, wolf proof, escape proof."

"Why can't you let me go, why can't you move on, I told you I don't want you. I don't love you."

"That's what my mother said to my father. Funny how ironic it is, isn't it?"

"You are a lunatic, a pathetic sore loser that can't let go."

He stepped in a little closer, his feet heavier on the floor. I was obviously turning his gears, but I didn't care anymore. I was going to tell him the same thing everyday. I was going to tell it to his face, over and over again.

"I spared him, I fucking bashed the door down, and this is how you act?"

I laughed hysterically, I couldn't help myself, was he for real?

"You are the one who caused the fire, are you seriously going to victimize yourself and make yourself look like the good guy?"

Suddenly, more pain, it was getting worse. I couldn't help but to put my head in my hands.

"What the hell did you give me!?"

He walked over in quick pace. I couldn't look back up; the pain was more severe. I was dazed, I felt like I was going to vomit. I was seeing double, maybe triple of everything.

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