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I was falling.

I wasn't sure how far I fell until I heard her voice calling out to me. She kept calling for me, but I was paralyzed. She was in danger and I couldn't move. I couldn't protect her. I couldn't protect my pack and now she was gone.

How could I allow this to happen?

By the time I awoke, she was gone, far away, far enough that our connection was severed.

I couldn't protect my family and now there is death all around me.

As I came to, I felt drunk, I felt woozy, I felt incapable of shifting, let alone running after the trail.

What was I poisoned with? How long until I would be able to get my strength back to find her? How could I be looking for clues when she was out there... with him.

My brother.

I stood in front of the collapsing building as Eric pulled out the rest of the remaining bodies that didn't make it in time.

Was this a sick joke to him? Was this all a game?

He could have killed me, but he didn't.

The fact that he was this close to succeeding was making the pain worse. My heart was struck, it was wounded, it was shrunken.

It was all because of him.

Now my Luna, my mate, my unborn child was in his filthy hands.

The thought of her being touched by him made me want to....


"Alpha? You, ok?" Eric tapped on my shoulder as I stared into the ashes of the Pub. My dads favourite place to go to, now, ASHES.

It was all because of him.

I felt warmth trickling down my hands. I looked down to see blood from my tight grasp of my protruding claws. I hadn't realized how hard I was containing my beast. He wanted to leave and get her back, he wanted to kill every Crimson warrior – men, women and children that he could find and rip them all to shreds.

All in front of their Alpha.

I wanted to plaster their heads on sticks and surround his house.

I wanted to taunt him as I burned fire to his entire pack.

His entire life, in ashes, just like mine was.

Eric's voice was distant. My head was somewhere else right now.

I've lost, I've suffered grief, but I've never experienced the emotion I was feeling right now.

It was unexplainable.

But I couldn't be like Holden. I couldn't kill the innocent. I just had to kill HIM.

I was going to kill him.

I was going to make him suffer, I was going to show his pack how weak and pathetic of a leader he was.

I was going to get her back, but for now, I had to strategize. I couldn't do this by myself. I wasn't an idiot. I couldn't let my impulsive beast rage on their territory solo. I had to calm myself. I had to get a handle on everything. I couldn't risk her or my unborn child getting hurt.

"Don't worry we will get them back." Eric stood beside me as the rest of the building crumbled.

It was already dawn; the sun was coming up and the rest of the smoke was almost evaporated.

Two Alpha's, One MateWhere stories live. Discover now