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It's been days and I haven't felt any better, the nausea comes and goes, and to top it all off, I've been extremely tired. Sometimes to the point of avoiding my daily runs with Damian.

I tried my best to keep it to myself, but it was becoming noticeable with everyone around me. Eric kept bugging me about it, asking me if everything was 'alright,' but I had a feeling he was hinting towards something else. It didn't take a rocket scientist to think that I could be pregnant.

I managed to get away to the drug store yesterday, but the bag remained in my bedside drawer. I was scared, emotional, and a nervous wreck, but I had to find out.

To be honest, I don't remember the last time I had my period. The past few months have been so stressful I hadn't kept track. I've probably put this off too long, but today was the day and I was going to lay my suspicions to rest.

Damian was already out of the house meeting with Eric to go over some pack related business, and I found myself still lazily in bed, starring at the ceiling, thinking about what the test result would be.

It would only make sense if it were positive, but why was I being so hesitant? Maybe it was because I didn't think it would happen so quickly. My mother took almost a year to conceive me, and I've only been with Damian for such a short time. I thought it would be at least few months until it happened.

The urge was growing, I needed to know. I had a new found energy as I got out of bed. I was on a mission and there was no stopping me.

As I got to my feet, I noticed a rose gold phone sitting on top of my nightstand along with a handwritten note.

"Good morning my love. This is long overdue... Can't wait for tomorrow, enjoy -D"

I've been so sick I almost forgot my Luna ceremony was tomorrow. It was a small affair, nothing extravagant, but it was tradition to have one in every pack. I kept putting it off, but Damian was persistent and I had to do it.

I inspected the phone in my hand and was quite impressed. For such a modest wolf pack they did spend a lot of money on their electronics. I opened the start screen and much to my amusement there was a close up picture of Eric's face.

I chuckled to myself as I analyzed the funny looking picture. I suppose Eric set the phone up and Damian didn't take notice.

"I see you got you're present." Damian's voice filled my head.

"You didn't have to! I love it, and thanks, I really appreciate it."

"How are you feeling today Di? I heard you getting sick last night."

"I'm feeling great today, guess that food really got to me." I told a complete lie, but I didn't want to get his hopes up if I ended up not being pregnant.

"Hopefully we can do a run today, I'm still in a meeting, I'll be done in a couple hours."

"That would be nice. I love you."

"Love you Di."

I walked into the bathroom after placing the phone back on the nightstand.

I was trembling like a nervous wreck. My heart was pounding outside my chest as I gripped tightly onto the drug store bag. I placed it on the sink and open the package. I managed to grab a digital test at the store, just so there would be no doubts in my mind. I needed a yes or no answer.

I ripped open the package and held the digital stick in my head.

Now to test.


"My god, how long does this take?!" I paced the bathroom as the digital test loaded the result. The instructions said 3 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.

"Hurry up you piece of shit!" I held the test in my hand, hoping the result would miraculously appear, but the screen still had the loading bar.

"Come on, you're killing me."

Was I really screaming at a piece of plastic?

Suddenly, the screen changed.

I gasped.

My eyes widened.

My heart rate spiked.

My hand holding the test was shaking furiously.

This was the moment.

At first the screen went blank, then, there it was.

The result.


I dropped the test to the floor in disbelief. I had no words. I had my suspicions, but to see it on test made it surreal. My heart was still pounding fast, and I was feeling a little light-headed.

I had to figure out when and how I was going to tell Damian. I was beyond excited, but the reality was still settling in.


In my excited state, I almost forgot that I had my new phone still sitting on my nightstand. It sounded like there was a new message.

I quickly went to check out the alert and noticed there was an email from Eric.

Hey Luna!

Like your new phone? I'm sure Damian is giving himself credit for it, but I picked it out myself and set it up as you can see lol! I could probably mind link you to give you the message, but wasn't sure if you were still sick... so I thought I would just send an old reliable e-mail!

Anyways, I wanted to let you know that a few women from the pack are getting together to prepare for your Luna ceremony in town. Maybe you should swing by and check it out? Maybe you can make some new gal pals? 😍



How was I supposed to go out and meet new people when I just found out I was pregnant? I was too damn excited, and I felt like I was a ticking time bomb holding in this secret.

I wanted to find the perfect time to tell Damian, but now I had to focus my attention on this Luna ceremony.

Maybe tomorrow after the ceremony would be a good time to tell him?

No, it wasn't just a good time.

It was the PERFECT time.

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