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It was agony keeping this secret from Damian. He kept asking if everything was ok, like he knew something was on my mind. I kept insisting that it was fine, but of course, I was a bad liar.

I was grateful he had a full workday with his warriors today, it gave me time to process how I was going to tell him tonight. I was set on telling him right after the ceremony.

"You alright in there Luna?" Hippolyta knocked on the bathroom door.

Shit, was I that loud?

Well, she was a werewolf, so I'm sure she heard everything.

"Yup, just feeling little queasy from lunch today..." I wasn't sure if the bad food excuse was going to hold much longer.

My hands grasped the porcelain as I contemplated if I was feeling better, but I think I got everything out this time.

As I got to my feet, I straightened myself out and flushed the nastiness down the toilet. Hippolyta was kind enough to allow me to her upstairs bathroom while the Etta and Phyllis got ready on the main floor.

Her house was the average house, but it was cozy.

She lived alone; there was no pup or mate. She had her whole life wrapped up in training new warriors that it didn't seem like she had too many friends or family visitors besides Phyllis and Etta.

She had an insane amount of house plants that seemed to pop around every corner I turned. She was pretty knowledgeable about them too. The furniture was sparse, and the other two spare bedrooms were used to propagate her collection of green friends. For such a badass warrior, she had a soft and nurturing side to her.

"Are you sure?" I could hear the concern in her voice as I washed my hands. It was so tempting to announce to the world I was pregnant, but it wouldn't be fair to tell anyone before Damian.

I opened the door to see Hippolyta, standing with her arms crossed, analyzing me head to toe. "You know Luna, you don't need to explain, I just want to know that you're alright."

She probably had her suspicions, but she knew that I wasn't ready to let the cat out of the bag just yet. I was thankful she didn't ask.

"Kill me now." I sighed heavily.

"Minus your swollen eyes, you look great!"

I laughed and re-checked myself in bathroom mirror. She was right, my eyes were puffy from all the heaving.

"Here, I got the perfect concealer." Hippolyta went under her sink and pulled out a makeup bag. She looked like she didn't need make herself and I was surprised she even owned any.

"You're obviously not my shade, but I kept some from when Etta had her birthday last year."

"You guys seem close; I mean the three of you." I took a seat on the edge of the bathtub as she applied the cream base on a fresh makeup sponge.

"I trained them when they were younger, and we've been friends ever since." She replied.

I looked up to the ceiling as she tapped the sponge underneath my eye, "Seeing the three of you reminds me of my old friends back home..."

"You can be our friend Luna." She stopped sponging and looked to me.

She seemed so strong, but when I looked into her eyes, I felt the other side of her looking back at me, trying to get a handle on her reality while trying to navigate through our dark world. Maybe she put up the walls to prevent anyone from tearing them down, or maybe she spent her time training to keep her mind from spiraling down into the vortex of darkness. I wasn't a mind reader, but I could feel her grief. I could relate to the same emotions she felt.

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