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"You think he's telling us the truth?" Eric took a large sip from his glass, emptying the entire dark contents down his throat.

I was already done my drink and was in the midst of pouring another.

"It doesn't matter anymore..." I poured halfway, stopped, then began pouring to the top of the glass.

"What about Loki?" He asked.

"Keep him in the holding cells until I decide what to do." I inhaled the bitter aromas of the whiskey and took a small sip, allowing the burning liquid to fill the void of my constant anxiety.

"Do you think he really took that bullet for Diana?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore."

"It's fucked up if you ask me."

The thought of Loki trying to redeem himself was pathetic, but after everything he's done, he came back. He knew it was a death wish, but he came back anyways. I was torn up inside, but I wouldn't let on that I was having second thoughts.

"Hippolyta wouldn't lie..." I took another sip of whiskey and placed the glass back down on my desk.

Eric stared aimlessly out the nearby window, like he was in deep thought. This entire situation tore him up. He loved Hippolyta, and now that Loki was back in the picture, his mind was crumbling apart. I wish it could be different for him, and he could find someone that would love him back, but it was out of my control.

"So..." I pushed the bottle in his direction. "How's she holding up with everything?"

Eric took the bottle and started pouring a drink in his glass, mimicking the same pour as mine.

Usually, the day before we went out on any mission, we would be reminiscing on the good times, building our confidence, and pushing up each others morale's, but today, we were both drowning our sorrows. Tomorrow we were going into the city to get her back, and for once in my life, I was unsure of what the outcome would be.

Eric took a quick glance and slightly lifted the glass to me. "She's devastated."

"Understandable." I lifted my glass and we both simultaneously downed our entire drinks.

"We are outnumbered Alpha, but we are always outnumbered."

"We've never had stakes like this... I have to get her back Eric... Sooner then later... I don't know the details of her condition..."

"Loki said he saw Holden's blood when he was escaping, and that he was no where in sight, but the amount of blood was enough to come to the conclusion that he was severely hurt, or dead."

"If it were only that easy..." I sighed.

"Alpha?" There was light knocking at the door.

"Barak, come in." I replied.

The door opened, Barak was standing there, his eyes were to the floor. He was covered in blood, and his usual groomed black hair was tangled, but he was still standing tall, ready for anything I commanded to him. This was why he was one of my best warriors. He was loyal, trustworthy, and would die for me, but I was treating him like shit today. I was losing who I was, and it was fucking depressing. I had to be a better leader for all of them and try my best to keep my emotions in check.

He was holding a black garbage bag, and I wasn't sure if it was the bag or him that reeked of death, but the scent was strong.

"What's wrong?" Eric stood up and looked to the mysterious bag that Barak held in his hand.

Two Alpha's, One MateWhere stories live. Discover now