Good News & Bad News

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I don't know how long I slept. It felt like an eternity. My eyes were heavy, like rocks sinking down into the water. I didn't want to open them. I wanted to stay in my dream world where he was.

Where Damian was.

He was always there, and I wondered if he too was having the same dream I was.

I felt him touching me, not physically, but it was like our souls were connecting through this strange other world. I wanted to reach out and touch him back.

"Damian." I whispered.

He was quiet, but he was there. His body was close to mine. I went to kiss him, but it didn't feel like the way it usually felt. It felt cold, it felt empty, it felt like he was a mere ghost.

"Damian." I went to kiss him again, but he was gone. Evaporated through thin air.

I looked up into the bright golden sky. There were fireflies buzzing in the air above my head. The nearby lake turned different colours, changing every few seconds. It was a magical place that I used to share with Damian, but now it was just emptiness.

Just like my soul.

Empty without Damian. When I was home with him, our dreams would last for hours, but now, he always evaporated before I got the chance to tell him I loved him.

Why couldn't I be with him in my dream? Was it because I was with Holden? Was it because our connection was severed?

Tears started to poke through my eyes. I was in the middle of my dream forest, alone, with my baby. I could feel its heart beating strong. I was weakened, but the baby was healthy.

That was all that mattered.

I started to fall back to reality. I didn't want to go, but I had to. I had to wake up eventually. I couldn't stay here long, not while I was trapped in this prison.

I had to get to Damian.

I had to save my baby.

I had to be strong.

"Bye Damian." I whispered to the empty forest. Maybe I was hoping to hear his response, but there was nothing.

My dreams were empty, but at least I could remember his smell in this place. I remembered every inch of his body when I came here. No one could ever pull me out of this place, not Holden, not Red, not Aria, NO ONE.

"Bye." I collapsed and fell back into the black hole that I called reality.

This was my new reality.

I opened my eyes. The sun was poking through the window. The darkness was gone and I was back in the same bedroom I never thought I would find myself in again. It reeked of Holden.

I sat up and looked around. I sighed heavily.

This was the last place I wanted to be.

"Sleep well?" A familiar voice came from the corner of the room.

"How long have you been standing there?" I furrowed my eyebrows to Aria, casually leaning against the wall, watching me like an insane lunatic as she sipped her coffee.

I wondered how long she was standing there for?

"You say his name a lot in your dreams." She smirked as she took another sip from her mug. She wore her black warrior gear, and her hair was in a tightly woven bun. She looked more sinister since I last saw her, maybe what I did to her was taking a toll on her mind.

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