chapter 5

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The cafeteria thundered around Kandis. An endless flow of activity-filled her sight as she watched her fellow classmates, flirt, tease, taunt and mock one another.

A tray clattered onto her table, but she didn't bother to look over as Finn and Callen sat down. "Are you going to make a habit of this ?" She asked.

"I don't know, we haven't decided yet," Finn said with a small smile " would you hate it if we did ? ".

She didn't respond for a few seconds then shrugged,

"I probably won't stop you". she said and Finn smirked.

"You are too friendly, I can see why the school loves you". Finn said sarcastically.

Kandis looked at him

"What can I say, I was voted most approachable"

She said stealing a fry from Finn's plate.

Finn stared at her for a few seconds as he saw her eating his fry.

Callen looked over at Finn and gave a small laugh.

His laugh made Kandis look up at Finn's expression," oh god! okay here, take this back " Finn laughed.

A slender girl with curly hair walked up to their table, Kandis gestured to her.

"See! What did I tell you ", she said.

That girl frowned at Kandis as Finn was trying to contain his laughter, the girl turned her attention to Callen.

"Hi Callen ", she said, Her voice bright. "Our tables have room if you want to sit with us ". She looked towards Finn
"Ummm... You can come too".

Finn raised his eyebrows and looked to Callen whose face revealed nothing.

"Thanks for the offer but we are fine ". Callen said

The girl looked stunned and stood there for a long minute.

"I'll Come ", Kandis said.

The girl glared at Kandis before walking away.

"Well, that was a bit rude ", Kandis said. " I wonder why she didn't invite me as well ? Mystery for the ages I guess ".

Finn chuckled.

Kandis shrugged,

"Why didn't you say yes? " She asked.

Callen gave her a blank look.

"You want us to leave ?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me? You would be surrounded by girls, desperate to get your attention. It would be the most entertaining thing To watch. My prediction would be that brunette would have ended up spilling something on your shirt. Then apologize profusely while she would try to dry your Shirt with her hand ".

"Callen, maybe you should go. I wouldn't mind watching that ", Finn said, a hint of Glee in his voice.

Callen merely looked at Finn, his expressionless face seeming to scream that he was not amused.

"So, tell me about your parents ?" Kandis asked.

"You really want us to leave, don't you ! ". Finn asked.

"It's a reasonable question. Your sitting at my table I am asking about their occupation, not your entire genealogy", she said.

"Normal people would start a conversation with asking each other's hobbies and personal questions are avoided until the day three and stick with pop culture for conversation topics". Finn said.

"Questions in the one and a half day that you have known me, have you ever linked the word normal to me?" Kandis said very small smile. Finn shook his head " good point ".

"As for your hobbies, I guess Callen has something to do with running and lifting weights based on his physique. As well as boxing, based on the state of his knuckles."

The corner of Callen's mouth twitched and Kandis smirked. She looked to Finn.

"You play video games, I know this because of the calluses on your thumbs. So, who are your parents ?" Kandis asked.

She glanced at Callen.

"What do they really do? Since I know your father is not a senator ", she said.

Callen gave her a leveled look.

"I never said he was ".

"No, but you didn't correct me when I was implying that he was ".

Callen's face remained unconcerned.

"How do you know?" Finn asked.

" Because Senator doesn't have a son. He does have an illegitimate daughter" Kanids raised her eyebrows as Finn's expression turned astonished and Callen's forehead flinched.

"You didn't know? " She asked." Seriously, she has the same nose, forehead, and face shape. Different hair color doesn't change the fact that she
looks just exactly like him ".

Finn shifted and adjusted his fake glasses.

"How do you know this stuff ". He asked.

She shrugged.

"I have this thing called a brain and a set of eyes. It seems everyone else has but yet to turn their own on".

Finn laughed and opened Kandis's bag of chips.

"What do your parents do? ", she asked again, doubting why they weren't answering and taking a fry from his plate.

Finn still staring at her.

"Oh ! Okay, take it back". She laughed.

"It's me and my mom. She is a pretty big lawyer. I only see my dad sometimes ", Finn said Kandis nodded, her gaze traveling over the room

"I understand that !", She said, her tone distracted.

"You and your mom then? " Finn asked

Kandis frowned but schooled her features as she looked at Finn.

"No, me and umm... ", She looked down thinking if Mr. Ducas is still her family or not. He has been weird and distracted few days before leaving. the only words he said while leaving were ' I need to go, I am sorry and about this house, you will get a notice '  Kandis was silent. Finn waited for her to complete her sentence while Callen looked up when there was silence for a long time. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked towards Finn.

" Me and my father's childhood friend, Nora. My parents and uncle are no longer into the picture ", she said.

" That sucks," Finn said.

She glanced away, absently cracking her knuckles

Callen got up from his seat as he was done eating but Kandis didn't observe him getting up and was in her thoughts.

Callen walked over and before he could move past Kandis he placed his hand on hers to make her stop cracking her knuckles. She came out of her thoughts and looked at Callen.

Callen gave a nod and a small smile which told her ' it's okay '  and he moved past her.

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