Rules six, nine and ten

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"-Come on, I thought you were meant to be a big time FBI agent? How would your unit like to know that their co-worker can't even fight little ol' me?"

The BAU's top agent, Derek Morgan, let out a booming laugh as he took a scoop of the woman in front of him's ice cream.

"You and I both know that this whole 'sweet southern belle' get up is an act, you'd beat me right into next week if I agreed to fight you."

"Too right, and I'd look damn good doing it" she did a small, giddy shoulder dance as she swatted his hand away from her half empty bowl.

"I always forget how southern you are until you laugh."

"Well you rarely see us anymore with all of your cases, I'm surprised you even remember what I sound like" she teased, watching him check his phone as an almost perfectly terribly timed emergency message came through, "duty calls I assume?" 

"Yeah, sorry to cut the rare midnight ice-cream meet up short again Darling" Morgan stood up reluctantly, grabbing his bag with a deeply apologetic smile at her, "the case should be a week tops, rain-check until I get back?"

Darling just shrugged and took his ice-cream pot from the other side of the table, "I suppose it just means more ice-cream for me."

"No guilt trip to see me off this time?" He teased, making a rare snort come through her usual laughter at his familiar teasing that he couldn't help doing just to hear that genuine, nostalgic snort.

"Of course there's gotta be a guilt trip, I'll be sure to tell Addie that you've abandoned me once again."

"That's more like it" Morgan chuckled, pushing her shoulder playfully as a black SUV pulled up, the older man inside tooting the horn and rolling down the window to beckon him over.

"Come on Derek, my coffee is getting cold!"

"And there's people to save, cases to solve, justice to serve; but sure, Rossi's coffee is most important" the brunette in the passenger seat rolled her eyes, calling through the window before Morgan waved to the two in the car to wait, turning to Darling with another apologetic face which she shook her head at.

"Off ya go and do your job loser, if I see you dead on the news from one of your big time cases then you owe me $100."

Morgan couldn't hide his laughter at her usual humour that failed to hide her genuine understanding, "if I'm dead then how can I pay you?"

"You always stick to your word; you'd find a way- not that you've ever paid back the money you owed me before, you still owe me $5 for your ice-cream today" Darling teased before holding her hand out in front of Morgan when he went to leave, "uh oh buster, you can't leave yet; you're forgetting our rule."

"Really Darling? You're still making me follow your bizarre rules after all of this time-"

"It's not bizarre" she defended, folding her arms in with a frown until Morgan rolled his eyes, leaning down and pulling her into a big hug to comply with said rule;

Friendship rule number 8: Hugs make everything better, even goodbyes- never leave without one.

His arms swept around her like a warm blanket just as they always did, pulling her up onto her tippy toes and into his chest as she hugged him back, of course wanting to follow the 'rule' as much as she did.

"And what do we say when we say goodbye? It's the next rule on our list Mr Morgan-" Darling prompted with a mocking tone that made Morgan roar with laughter, patting her on the back and stepping away, "don't push it shorty."

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