39. You Should Have Told Me Earlier

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[Flashback-Last Night at the Hospital]

[Jay POV]

"You should go home now, Jay" Y / N's mom told me. "I'll stay here until she wakes up" I told her mom while sobbing and her mom sighed before she answered me. "It's okay dear, I'll company her here. You still have school tomorrow and you should attend"she advised me. "But ..." She cut me. "You can come back here tomorrow after school" She said and smiled at me. "Okay then mam, I'll go home now" I said and ready to leave. "Drive home safely Jay and once again thank you so much" he said and hugged me before I went out. "It's nothing mam" I smiled at her and bowed before I went home.

[Present Time]

[Jay POV]

"Are you going to visit Y / N today?" Jake asked me. "Yeah, why?" I looked at him. "Just ask, take care of her" he said and walked away. I knew deep inside his heart he had developed some feeling to Y / N. "BOOO, What are you doing here, hyung?" Niki asked me. "I want to meet Yura" "For what?" Niki asked again. "Aish, Where is she?" I asked Niki. "She is inside the class" Niki said while pointing to Yura, who is still inside the class. After that, I approached Yura and made her classmates started to whisper about us but I didn't care. "Can I borrow your book?" I asked Yura. "Huh? For what? You don't need it "She said and I just sighed. "Are you dumb? Of course, it's for Y / N. Why would I study your materials again"I said and rolled my eyes. "Ah.... You're right, here give it to her, so she can study as well" she gave me her books. "Thank you" I thanked her and left her class. I drove directly to the hospital, I have bought some food for Y / N and her mom. When I arrived at the hospital, I saw her mom left her room, so I decided to ask her what happened because she seemed in hurry. "Good Afternoon mam, What happened? Why you seem in hurry?" I asked her. "Ah, luckily you're here, can I ask you some favors?" she asked me. "Sure" I replied. "Can you accompany Y / N for a while? I have something important to do in the office"She said. "Sure but have you eaten, mam?" I asked her before she went. "Not yet, why?" she said. "Ah, here. Please eat this"I gave her the food that I have bought. "Thank you so much, Jay but I've to go now" she took the food and walked away, then I entered Y / N's room and I saw Y / N tried to sit, so I quickly ran to her and helped her to sit. "Let me help you" I said and she seemed surprised with my advent.




[Y / N POV]

"Let me help you" Someone said to me and helped me to sit. It was Jay. "Huh? What are you doing here? " I asked him, puzzled. "Your mom told me to company you while she's gone" he said. "Ah ... I see but don't you have something to do with your friends?" I asked him. "I skipped" he said casually. "Why?" I asked him again. "Why you're so talkative? You're just waking up but you have talked a lot "He said while giggling. "I came here because I want to company you here" he continued and his words made me blushed but then my stomach made a loud noise and it made Jay laughed. Oh My, how embarrassed it was. "I know you must be hungry, eat this" He gave me food. "Ah... I forgot you cannot use your right hand for a while. Here, open your mouth"he said while feeding me like a baby. "I'm not a baby, Jay" I said with a mouth full of food. "Yes, you're. you're my baby" he said and I just blushed like a tomato. "Y / N" he ​​suddenly called me with a serious tone. "Huh?" I said and looked at him. "Why you didn't tell me that Bora and her minions had bullied you?" He asked me and he looked so worried. "It's simple because I didn't want to make you worry" I answered him. "Didn't we have promised that you'd tell me if Bora did something to you? Why didn't you do that? See what had happened to you now, your condition made me even worry "He said while I just remained silent. "You should have told me about this" he added. "I'm sorry" I said while playing with my fingers. "It's fine but promise me, after this, you have to tell me everything" He said and I just nodded. I don't know why but every time he is with me, I always feel comfortable and safe. What's wrong with me? I was busy with my thought when the doctor came. "I have good news for both of you" the doctor said. "What is that?" Jay asked him while standing up. "She can discharge this afternoon but she still needs some rest at home, for about a week before she can attend school again" the doctor said and left us. "Yeay, finally I can go home" I exclaimed excitedly and I didn't realize I have hugged Jay and he hugged me back. "I'm sorry for hugging you all of sudden" I said while quickly released the hug. "It's okay, Y / N. I'm happy that you can discharge today." He smiled and I smiled back. "Should we pack you things now?" he asked me and I just nodded. Then he helped me to pack my things and took me home.

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