{Obi-Wan Kenobi} Just a Nightmare [Request]

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      The red glow of magma brightened the hazy atmosphere of the volcanic planet. On small platforms, floating mere feet from the molten rock beneath them, two Jedi dueled, their blue sabers contrasting with the deep red tones of the planet.

        Words were exchanged, but you couldn't seem to hear them from your place on the lava stream's bank. You attempted to rush towards the edge, but it was if a force was holding you in place, keeping you from interfering.

       The first Jedi quickly scampered next to your position, holding the high ground over the Jedi down below him. His beard and tan colored robes set him apart as your former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You gasped as you realized who the other Jedi was, still floating above the magma, Anakin Skywalker. You two had both trained under Obi-Wan, although you were a few years apart.

        "It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground." Obi-Wan spoke.

      "You underestimate my power," Anakin seethed.

       As if Obi-Wan could read his mind, he cautioned his former padawan, "Don't try it."

       Not a moment passed between the warning and Anakin's next move. You watched as Obi-Wan re-ignited his saber and whispered an apology to the long-gone Master Qui-Gon, before looking up and striking down Anakin's figure.


      You screamed, waking up drenched in sweat. Immediately, your neighbor, Obi-Wan came rushing in, "____? What is it?" He clutched his saber in his hand, ready to ignite it at a moment's notice.

        You let out a deep sigh of relief after you were able to realize it had been a dream. Now fully aware of the Jedi standing in your room, you blushed. "Obi-Wan...I am so sorry if I disturbed you. It's nothing, just a dream."

       Obi-Wan shot you a skeptical look, walking over to sit on the corner of your bed, "____, we both know I can tell when you're lying." He gently placed a hand on yours, which had been fidgeting since he had entered the room. His kind eyes locked on yours, "You know you don't have to hide anything from me."

With a nod, you began to explain the nightmare, "You and my brother were fighting on a lava planet. I was forced to watch as the both of you dueled until..." You weren't able to finish your sentence as tears formed in your eyes.

Obi-Wan brought his hand to your face, wiping away the tears, "____, it was just a nightmare. Anakin and I are safe, I promise." He scooted closer to you as you leaned on his shoulder. As you cried, he stroked your hair, calming you and filling you with butterflies at the same time.

After a few minutes, the Jedi Master started to get up to leave, but before you could even think it through, your hand reached out to grab his. He looked back in shock as you mumbled tiredly, "Stay with me. Please?"

He smiled softly as he nodded, taking his place next to you, "Alright, my love, but just for a few more minutes." You drifted off, knowing that you were safe in the arms of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

author's note:
i can't believe this book has almost hit 3k votes!!! i never thought i'd write this many imagines or still be writing them a whole year later. y'all have made this so much fun for me and i wanted to thank each reader from the bottom of my heart. ily all ❤️❤️. (also shout out to @GoddessLill for this request)
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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