{Luke Skywalker} Endor Confesions Pt. 1 [Request]

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The Endor sky glows with the light from the Ewok villages. Their tree-top huts and bridges, lit with torches, provide a small safe-haven for the Rebels. You stand outside a larger hut, gazing at the stars. Inside the hut, Han, Leia, C3PO, R2D2, your longtime boyfriend, Luke Skywalker attempt to negotiate plans for the battle tomorrow morning. Suddenly, you hear cheers come from the hut and you smile to yourself. They did it. You walk in to the building full of the small, furry creatures when you see Luke walk out, a look of worry on his face. Something's wrong. You follow him out to the wooden railing, where he stands arms folded and head down.
"I haven't seen you like this since we lost Obi-Wan. Are you alright?" You ask calmly.
He whips around at the sound of your voice, "I'm fine—" He trails off making it sound more like a question than a statement.
You close the space and give him a kiss on the cheek, "What's really going on? You aren't your usual self."
He sighs, "____, what if I told you that you don't know everything about me?"
You chuckle, "I grew up with you on Tatooine. I'm pretty sure I know you." You try to lighten the mood, but he doesn't make eye contact. He shifts his feet and keeps glancing at the floor. Slight panic rises up, but you try to suppress it, "Luke, is there something that I need to know?"
He finally looks up to meet your gaze, "I have to go. As long as I'm here, I'm endangering the mission. I have to face Vader."
You are shocked. "Why? Why do you have to face him?"
Luke looks down at his feet. "Because he's my father."
You suck in a breath, "Your father? Luke that can't be true. Uncle Owen said your father was dead."
When he doesn't reply, you realize he's telling the truth. "Luke, no matter who your father is, that doesn't change how much I love you. You know that, right?"
     He just looks up at you, "I-I know. Its just that-" He stumbles over his words.
     "Its just what, Luke?" You try to help him by reinforcing his words.
     "It's nothing. I have to go." Luke turns to leave.
     "Luke, dont-" you call out after him, "don't do this. Don't shut me out. Don't leave me."
     He hears your pleads and turns to face you. "I would never try to shut you out, ____. This is something I have to face alone." He tries to reason.
     You nod. "I understand. I really do, but please don't leave me. Not like this."
      "What do you mean like this?" He notices the change in your demeanor. You bite down on your tongue. He isn't supposed to know yet. I was going to wait until after the battle to tell him.
     You sigh, "Luke, I was going to wait until we came back from battle to tell you this, but I'm-we're-we will be-" You start to mumble.
     He takes one of your hands in his, "What is it, ____?" He asks gently.
     You take a deep breath, "I'm pregnant. There. It's out." You exhale in relief. He takes a step back in shock.
"I'm going to be a father?" He runs a hand through his hair. In a moment of weakness, you fear that you've just pushed him even farther away.
"Will that make you stay?" You ask quietly, hoping he will change his mind.
He lifts you up and plants a kiss on your lips. "I'm going to be a father. ____, this is amazing! We are going to be parents!"
You put a hand over his mouth, "Not so loud. I wasn't supposed to tell you yet. I was waiting until this was all over." Beneath your hand you can feel his grin. You didn't think he would be this excited about it. You repeat your question, "Is it enough to make you stay?" Your hand comes down to your side.
His smile fades, "____, I have to do this. Don't see it as a reason for me to stay. See this child as a reason for me, for us, to fight. So that he/she can grow up in a world without war and suffering. Okay?" He's still going.
You nod, "Well, it seems I can't stop you. Just- just stay safe, and come back to me. Come back for us." You place a hand on your stomach.
Luke smiles and kisses your forehead, "Don't worry. I'll come back. I promise."
     With that he walks over to ramp that leads to the forest floor. "I love you." You call out.
     He shoots you a wink and a smile as he calls back, "I love you more." Then, he disappears into the Endor night.

A/N Part one of a two part imagine. Shout out to CoraEx for the request. I hope you all are enjoying the time off 😂 🦠. Stay safe, and I'll try to update quickly so you will have something to read during this quarantine.
May the Force be with you!!
- Sarah

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