{Luke Skywalker} Darkside Pt. 3

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A year and a half after leaving Luke on Endor, you have become a leader in the rebellion. You are currently on a mission to Dantooine to gather intel from a mole inside the Empire's ranks. You arrive a day in advance to scope out the area. The planet consists of forests and grassy rolling hills. However, your contact is meeting in one of the more populated areas, Dantoo, the planet's capital.
As you sit in a beat up transport ship, you keep yourself busy by cleaning your blaster and cleaning up the cockpit. You're about to head into the town when you feel a chill run down your back. Immediately, you spin around with your blaster drawn. However, you are met with none other than Lu-Darth Malevous.
Out of shock, you whisper his name. "Luke?"
"____?" He whispers as well. You walk over to where he stands to wrap him in an embrace when you recall the night on Endor. You hadn't allowed yourself to dwell on it. You did what had to be done.
"How are you here? You can't have known-" You begin to worry.
He holds out his hand, "I'm not actually here with you, in fact, I can't see your surroundings just you." You let out a breathe of relief.
"So why are you talking to me? I thought I made it clear that I don't approve of your choice to turn so easily to the very thing you swore to destroy all those years ago. Unless, you have decided to come back and-" You begin to hope.
He cuts her off, "No, that's not why I'm taking to you. I wanted to make sure you were safe and ask you one last time to join me. Listen, ____, you could be by my side as the Empress of the galaxy. You would never have to look over your shoulder in fear as you do now. We can do it. You and me."
A tear rolls down your face, "Oh Luke, can't you see? You've got it all wrong. I choose to walk this path as you once did, because I believe that the galaxy should be free from a world of fear that you create. I've thought about you often since that night on Endor. I almost stayed with you. Seeing you there in the medical bay made my heart hurt, knowing that you had chosen a path different than I could ever follow."
Darth Malevous takes a step forward, "What do you mean? When I woke, you had stolen a TIE and were halfway across the galaxy."
You close the distance so that you are standing in front of him. You look down at the spot where you shot him then quickly look back into his blue eyes you had missed getting lost in. "Luke, when I snuck into the hangar, I watched them transport you to the medical bay. I followed, unable to think of the possibility that you were dead by my blaster. When I managed to sneak in the room, you were laid out on your back and unconscious. I walked over to you and-" You can't finish the rest. The pain was too much.
"____, you can tell me." He began to sound like his old self, sincere and gentle.
This gives you the strength to continue, "I said, 'Oh Luke, how could this happen to us. I can't comprehend it all. First, we spring the Emperor's trap. Then, you betray the Rebellion and join the Empire. But despite it all, I can't help but want to stay here with you and tell you all the things I never could. I would tell them to you now, but you are not the man I fell for. You've become the very thing we both swore to destroy. I hope you enjoy what you've done.'"
    Darth Malevous looks at you with both shock and admiration. Despite everything he put you through, you still cared enough to say one last goodbye. The walls he had put up began to fall as Luke Skywalker began to return.
     You watch as Luke struggles with himself. All this time, you had assumed he had forgotten you. After a year and a half, he had begun to think that you hated him. Without thinking, you reach out to touch Luke's arm like you always did when he would become upset. However, you were surprised when you were actually able to feel him. He looked up in equal surprise. "Come with me. Please." He says as if in pain. "I need you by my side. I'm not strong enough to bear this burden alone. I need you, ____."
You shake your head. "I cannot join you. You've chosen this path, you've broke my heart. I love you Luke, but I will not follow you if this is your choice."
Darth Malevous clenches his fists. "Don't make me do this. Don't make choose."
"You must Luke. It is the only—" You begin.
He raises his hand like he did before. "If you love me, you'll come with me. If you ever loved me, you'll see the reasons I turned and you'll join me. If you ever truly cared, you'll stand beside me."
Tears stream freely down your face as you look into his eyes and say, "Then I guess I don't love you. In fact, I know I don't. The man I loved was killed on the second Death Star above Endor. His name was Luke Skywalker and I can now see that he is truly gone. Goodbye Blondie." With that, you walk out of your ship and into town to compete your mission.

A/N This one story took a lot more time than I thought. I hope you enjoyed it.
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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