{Cassian Andor}

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     As a Capitan in the Rebellion, Cassian was often gone for long periods of time for missions. Whether it was a month, or a week, you struggled with his absence. You struggled living day to day knowing that your significant other could be halfway across the galaxy, in danger, without anyone to watch his back but a reprogrammed Imperial droid. It used to cause a strain in your relationship with Cassian. The two of you would bicker just about every time he took off for another one of General Draven's preposterous missions. It wasn't until he returned from a specific mission to Jedha that he began to understand why you were so worried about his missions.

     That morning, the two of you had fought and fought and fought. Neither of you were sure what caused the fight, but there you and him had stood in the hangar, bickering.

     "Maybe I wouldn't worry so much if you'd at least contact me every now and then to let me know you're alright!"

     "Really? You'd rather me risk getting caught by the Empire  to send you an update to let you know every five minutes that I'm still alive? Listen to how selfish that is."

     "You wanna talk about selfish? What's selfish is how you recklessly throw yourself into these incredulous missions that will one day get you killed without once thinking about what it would do to me if you never came home. You throw all caution to the wind without once considering us."

     At this statement, he looked down, realizing you have a point, "_____, do you know why I go on these missions?" He shifted his gaze to meet your own, "I do it for you, for the Rebellion. Who is going to go if I don't? Who will do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of the Rebellion if I don't? It's my duty to help in anyway I can, so that one day, we won't have to look over our shoulder for stormtroopers, we won't have to worry about an Emperor who has proved to the galaxy that he can wipe out a whole planet without batting an eye, where you and I can be free to live together someday. Yes, I may seem reckless, but I know the risk I'm taking, and if it came down to it, I can say that everything I've done for this Rebellion, I do for you." He took a breath, finally letting all of his hidden thoughts off his chest.

     You stood in shock as he revealed this information. Your expression made him chuckle slightly. "I have an idea." You perk up at this, normally loving when he had a sporadic idea. Just softly, he sang, "You know, you know I'll see you again."

     A smile creeped onto your face as you repeated after him, "You know, you know I'll see you again."

     "See, now you have my word that we will see each other again," he pressed his lips to your forehead. "I love you, my dear. More than you could ever know."

    "And I love you more than I could ever tell you."

    With that, he took off towards the stolen Imperial shuttle one of the new pilots from Jedha dubbed Rogue One. As he boarded the ship, he turned around once more and mouthed your new favorite melody.

    You know, you know I'll see you again.

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