{Captain Rex} The Captain's Girl

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      The hangar bay was your home, no matter where you were stationed, you always found yourself underneath a starfighter, repairing anything from malfunctioning laser cannons to replacing the occasional power converter. Often times, you worked alone, until one day you noticed you had a shadow. This shadow first appeared after a long campaign where the 501st had taken heavy fire and returned back in ships that were on their last legs. One clone trooper, after seeing the look of shock on your face as you saw the long log of repairs that were needed, came to offer his help.

     It was obvious from the pauldron on his left shoulder and the kama around his waist that he was a high-ranking officer, not a simple mechanic like yourself. You had tried to dismiss him, telling him that this was what you were payed as a civilian mechanic for. He had been persistent until you realized that he wasn't going to take no for an answer. From that day on, the trooper would always be hanging around. Sometimes he was giving orders. Other times, it seemed as if he was just floating around until you had the time to strike up a conversation.

     Those quick conversations grew into something more to you as you looked forward to them each day. It wasn't until he didn't show up for a few days that you began to worry. You knew the life of a clone trooper, especially one of his ranking was always busy, but it caused you to overthink, wondering if you had something the last time you two had spoken that could have drove him away from you.

      On this particular day, you were mumbling under your breath at just how foolish you had been to think you meant something to a clone trooper that you didn't even know the name of. Distracted by your thoughts, you caught your fingers on a pair of live wires and sliced your palm open trying to get your hand out of the ship before you electrocuted yourself. As the blood gushed out, dripping on the floor, you cried out in pain.

     Fortunately, the chief medic of the 501st just happened to be scolding a trooper for missing his pre-mission physical, again.  At the sound of your cry, both troopers glanced over at you. The medic reached you first, swiftly applying pressure on your arm and using your oil rag to stop the bleeding. The other trooper, with pauldrons on both shoulders and a kama similar to your shadow's, rushed over as well, but paused as he took off his helmet, "You're that mechanic Rex goes on about, aren't you?"

      The question caught you off-guard, "I'm sorry, but I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I don't know a... Rex?" You tried to recall anyone by that strange name.

     The medic looked to the other clone, "I need to get her to the med-bay, she's lost quite a bit of blood and that oil rag has the possibility to cause infection." The other trooper pulled on his helmet and lifted you in his arms, following the medic.

      You tensed as he carried you. Your slight movement made the trooper chuckle, "Don't worry, I won't drop you. You have no idea how much bantha fodder I'd get for dropping the Captain's girl."

      "Captain's girl? I'm no one's girl." You near growled. "My name is ____, not some person's girl, thank you very much."

     He chuckled once more as he placed you on one of the many medical cots, "You really have no idea, do you? My name is Fives. This over here," he points to the medic, "is Kix. Rex is the captain of the 501st battalion. He occasionally talks about a beautiful mechanic that has seemed to catch his eye."

     As the realization hit you, your mind raced to your shadow, "Hold on, you mean to tell me that the captain of the 501st has been my shadow for the past two weeks?" Kix gave you a stim that made you suck in a breath.

     Kix laughed from where he stood, "Your shadow?"

     You nodded, "Yeah, he floats around the hangar bay most days, and we chat while I take my break."

     The two troopers looked at one another, both smirking. Swiftly, Fives lifted his arm up towards his mouth and spoke into his comm, "Captain, we have a situation in the med-bay that you might want to come check on."

      Kix had just finished up the stitches in your hand when the door opened suddenly, "Fives, what is the meaning of this? I was at a debriefing—"

      When the captain noticed you in the cot, he froze, "Kix, what happened?"

     Kix shrugged, "Don't ask me. I just patch people up, I don't ask questions." He sent Fives, who stood on one side of your bed, a wink.

      You sat up a little straighter, "Captain Rex, is it?"

     He removed his helmet as he smiled, "That would be me, cyar'ika."

      You tilted your head at him as Fives and Kix excused themselves. "When were you going to tell me you were a captain?"

      "When were you finally going to tell me your name?" He raised an eyebrow playfully.

      You rolled your eyes, "All you had to do was ask, Rex. Is it okay if I call you that?" A simple nod from him gave you your answer. "My name is ____."

      He placed his helmet on the table beside your cot as he softly ran his index finger along your stitches, "What did you do, ____?"

      You instantly decided you liked the sound of your name rolling off of his tongue. His voice was captivating. "My hand slipped while I was working on one of the LAAT's. I was distracted."

     He looked at you worriedly, "What were you distracted over?"

     Your face heated up as you realized what you had said, "I-um-it was...uh." He brought a hand to your cheek, softly rubbing away a stray streak of grease. His gentle touch gave you the confidence you needed to tell him, "You. I was worried that I had scared you off since I haven't seen you in a few days."

     He brought his hand down to cup your cheek, which you happily leaned into, "Cyar'ika, you didn't scare me off. I just got loaded down with work. I'm sorry for making you feel that way. I guess I owe you one for that."

      You were about to dismiss his offer when you had an idea, "I think you're right, Captain. Lucky for you, there is a way to make this even."

      At your statement, his eyes grew wide with curiosity. You laughed softly before leaning closer to him, "A date sounds like a good idea. What do ya say, Rex?"

A smile spread across his face as he chuckled, "You got it, ____." He pressed his lips to your temple softly, ghosting a kiss in your head, "Anything for my girl."

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