{Luke Skywalker} Hold on Final Part [Request]

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When you return to the fleet, Luke faints due to his injuries. "Leia! We need to get to that Medical Frigate, Luke's out cold." Leia rushes back to the main hold where Luke lays on a bed unconscious.
"What happened?" She questions.
"I don't know. One second, he's asking for Ben. The next second, he's out cold. He's still breathing, but he needs medical attention immediately." She nods and rushes back to the cockpit to inform Chewie.
"Come on Luke." You whisper to him as the Falcon attaches to the air lock of the Medical Frigate. Almost instantly, a medical teams comes and transports Luke to the emergency room while checking everyone over for other injuries. When you are cleared, you go to see Luke, but you are told he's not receiving visitors. That's odd. You just shake it off and return to the Falcon. You don't expect anyone to be on board, but Chewie sits in the cockpit alone, head down and whimpering.
      You walk over to where he sits and take a seat in the chair next to him. "Chewie. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault."
     Chewbacca roars a response at me. I nod, "I know. I miss him too." You give him a hug, "How about we fix up the Falcon for when we get him back. Sound good?"
     The Wookiee nods and returns the hug. Together, the two of you begin working on the Falcon. Leia tried to keep you updated with Luke's progress, but he still refuses to see any visitors. At the end of the day, you, Chewie, and Lando, who joins you after being cleared, repair the ship enough to set out on another adventure.
With grease on your hands and all over your shirt, you walk back to your temporary quarters on the Medical Frigate. On your way, you pass Luke's room and hear him talking to someone. "Leia, you don't understand. She will never accept me when she sees this. She'll think I'm becoming like Vader, more machine than man."
"Luke listen to yourself. That makes no sense. Why would she leave you because of an prosthetic? You are blind if you think she would ever leave you because of something as minor as this. Wake up, Luke, before you lose her." Leia snaps.
You are about to knock on the door when you hear Leia walking towards the door. Quickly, you sprint down the hallway before she can see you. Little did you know that she saw your figure race around the corner. She shakes her head in defeat. "Why can't he see that girl loves him for his character, not just his appearance?"
When you make it to your room, the reality of the situation hits you. He thinks I'm going to leave him because of a prosthetic. How could he actually believe that?
You clean up and try to go to sleep for the night, but the thought of Luke thinking you don't love him keeps you awake. You glance at your clock, 1:00 am. You sigh and roll out of bed. I can't lay here and do nothing. He needs to know how much I love him despite this incident.
You walk cautiously down the hallway to his room. You knock on the door. Suddenly, doubt begins creeping in your mind. This was a bad idea. He needs rest and here I am waking him up at 1 in the morning. Great job, _____. You roll your eyes at your own actions. A moment later, the door opens to reveal a medical droid. "This patient is not receiving visitors—"
Luke calls out behind the droid, "Let her in. We need to talk." You begin to panic at Luke's response. The droid moves out of the way and returns to tending to Luke's vitals. Immediately, your eyes go to a disheveled, tired Luke.
"Luke, I'm sorry if I woke you." You apologize.
He shakes his head and chuckles, "I was actually up anyway. I'm guessing about the same thing as you."
You smile. "How are you?"
   "I'm fine. I've been better, but this is definitely a low point." You notice how he tries to place one hand behind his back as you walk over to him.
     "I'm going to be honest with you. I overheard you and Leia today. I was coming back from the Falcon and was going to stop by, but I didn't want to interrupt her—"
     Luke cuts you off, "____, it's fine if you don't want to be with me anymore because of this." He holds up his mechanical hand. "I know it's a reminder of Vader to you, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable because of it—"
     Now it's your turn to interrupt him, "Luke Skywalker, you are jumping to conclusions. Why do you think I love you? Do you honestly think it's just about your appearance? Do you think it's because of your abilities? No. I fell head over heels in love with you because you have a heart of gold. Why can't you see that?" You reach out and take his hand in yours." Prosthetic or not, I want to hold your hand through it all, the good and the bad."
     His eyes widen at your outburst. "You-You love me?"
     "Unconditionally." You smile at him. He sits up from his bed and cups your cheek.
     "When I told you I loved you on Bespin. I meant it. I love you, ____ ____, with all of my heart." He pulls you into a kiss.
     When you finally pull away, you say, "I better head back. Leia will be looking for me in the morning." You stand up to leave, but he grabs your hand.
     "Please stay. It feels like forever since the last time I've held you in my arms. Please stay, just tonight."
     You smile and nod, "Alright, scoot over."
     He happily makes room for you on the small medical bed and wraps his arms around you. "Goodnight, Love."
     "Goodnight, Jedi."

A/N Wow, that took a while. Now, I can start spinning out some of the shorter requests. I hope you all enjoyed this one! Also, quick shoutout to CoraEx for all of her encouragement here recently and to Airo20 , who has made a book using some of my imagines and translated them into Italian. Thank you everyone for the support!!
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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