{Poe Dameron} Missions Pt. 2 [Request]

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Two months. It has been two months since you last saw your boyfriend, Poe Dameron. A week after Poe and Finn took off on their mission, Finn returned back to D'Qar with the ship and the intel but not with Poe.
   Since then, you've been nothing short of a mess. Sure, it looks easy to move on, until it's moving on from the one person who seemed to make your whole world turn. Learning to live without Poe for you was like learning to walk after a traumatic accident. At first, you stayed cooped up in your room except for your daily shift working comms and the occasional meal.
     Often times, Finn would have to bring you meals and slide them under the door. He knew that you blamed him. In fact, he blamed himself. When he gave you the news that Poe never made it back to the ship, you were heartbroken, but about two days later, you stopped speaking to him entirely. You couldn't bear to remain friends with the man who promised to look out for your boyfriend, it hurt you too much.
     Only after a week of isolation did you finally begin to open up to others again. You started spending time with the members of Black Squadron, Poe's old squadron. They welcomed you to their group, even offering to teach you to become a pilot.
     It was two weeks before you spoke to Finn again. You had run into him in one of the hallways, knocking some metal pipes and tools out of his arms from where he had gone to help Rose. As you helped him gather the fallen materials, you had stopped, looked up at him, and said, "Finn, this isn't your fault. I'm sorry that I placed the blame on you. If there was anything I knew about Poe, it was that he didn't like to stick to the plan." You slightly chuckled, "I can't continue to blame you for this, and I can't keep avoiding my best friend. Can you forgive me?"
     He smiled, set the box of tools down, and pulled you into a tight hug, "Of course, ____. I tried to keep him in line, I really did, but ultimately, it was his call for me to leave him behind. I'm sorry that I couldn't bring him back home to you. Wherever he is, I know he's thinking of you." You had smiled into Finn's chest as you both let the tears fall.
     Four weeks later, and you've finally made some progress. You've been taking pilot lessons from Jesika Pava and have offically joined Black Squadron. Being up in the air makes you feel closer to Poe, and it's an interactive environment, meaning you're no longer sitting at a small station, listening to the comms, praying for just a whisper of Poe's name. Instead, your constantly surrounded by a family of pilots who know what it feels like to lose one of their own, and are there to support you.
Today marks exactly two months since that fateful day. You wake up and start your day with your daily routine. You've discovered that routines and schedules seem to help you feel like you have a sense of stability and ultimately keep you busy. It's when you're all alone that everything comes crashing down, so you fill your schedule to prevent having too much down time. You quickly shower, blow dry your hair, and pull on your black flight suit. You smile at the small plate of eggs that has been pushed beneath your door from Finn. Quickly, you eat the eggs and write a quick thank you note that you will slide under his door later on. Then, you make your way to the hangar for morning drills with newly-appointed Commander Snap Wexley. However, once you step outside your quarters, you notice pilots, engineers, medics, and officers all rushing to the hangar as well. Curious, you jog to the hangar bay to see an unfamiliar ship landing on the tarmac. It's probably just Rey. But if that were so, where's the Millennium Falcon?
You instantly break out into a full run where you see Black Squadron lined up in front of the ship's ramp, blasters drawn. You fall in line next to Jesika Pava and raise your blaster as well.
Suddenly, the ramp begins to lower and a man limps down it. Snap calls out, "Identify yourself." The man looks up. He's a very thin man with black curly hair and a face that looks like it hasn't been shaved in months. You look at the man closely and notice his deep brown eyes and suddenly, your taken back to the moment you let him slip through your fingers two months ago.
"Poe?" You ask weakly as you lower your weapon.
The man's head turns to you and his eyes widen. "Checkers?" Your weapon clatters time the ground as you run to him and engulf him in a hug. He clings to you as if you were his lifeline, "____." He manages to breathe out.
He pulls back and places both hands in your face as he pulls you into a kiss. The crowd begins to applaud behind you, making you pull back and blush. Poe smirks and whispers to you, "Don't be shy Checkers." You chuckle and support him as you two walk down the ramp together.
General Organa is the first one to embrace him after coming off the ramp. She smiles warmly and says, "We can talk later." He nods and you continue to walk him through the crowd to the medics waiting to take him to the medical wing when Snap and Jesika wrap him in a group hug.
"Thank the Force you're back. We almost had Snap as our Commander." Jesika jokes. Snap hits her arm. "Not that it would've been awful. That's not what I'm implying at all." Poe chuckles and grips his side.
"Come on Hotshot, we're almost there." The crowd begins to part and Poe is transported to the medical wing by cart. You stay behind and watch them cart him off when General Organa places a hand on your shoulder.
"Your one lucky girl." She says with a chuckle. "Not many go through hell like that and come out the other side with a smirk."
You nod. "He's something else, but I wouldn't have it any other way." With that, you jog to the medical wing and wait in the waiting room with Finn.
Finn sits with his hands in his lap, his foot bouncing nonstop. You lean on his shoulder, trying to calm down after the emotional roller coaster you've been on today. Eventually, the nurse walks out and says, "He can receive visitors but only one at a time." You look at Finn and say, "You should go." He starts to interject, but you shake your head. "Go on before I change my mind." He nods and walks into the room.
About ten minutes later, Finn looks to you as he exits the room and says, "Go ahead." You hop up and walk into the room where Poe lays on a medical cot.
"You know, if these things were a little more comfortable, I wouldn't mind spending every night here." He jokes, thinking you are a nurse for a moment.
"Well, then I guess we'll just have to reserve a room and push two cots together." You retort.
"____?" He tries to sit up.
You rush over. "Don't try to sit up if you are hurting." He just shrugs and pushes himself up. You sit on the edge of the cot and stroke his newly-shaven face. "Where'd the beard go?" You laugh softly.
"I couldn't stand it, so I asked the nurses and Finn to help me out." He answers.
"Ah, I see." You reply.
He brings his hand to your face and brushes a piece of hair back. "I'm sorry for making you worry. Look, I understand if you don't want to be with me—"
"Poe Dameron, don't you dare finish that sentence. I love you, and if you think for a moment that this is going to stop that, you're dead wrong." A tear rolls down your face.
"Alright, baby, I just wanted to make sure." He pulls you into his chest. You begin to cry into his shoulder. "_____, what's wrong?"
You shake your head but he pushes you off his shoulder, forcing you to look at him as he
repeats his question. He wipes your tears with his thumb. You take a breathe and then answer. "Poe, I thought I lost you for good. When Finn came home without you, I kept hoping for you to come back, but you never did. I became a mess. I pushed away everyone and isolated myself for a while. Finally, I came back to myself, but it was a struggle. I made new friendships , repaired old ones, and even became a pilot. Now your here, and I'm scared something or someone is going to rip you from my life again. I can't go through all of that again. It might kill me." You look down at your lap and back into his eyes. "I need you Poe Dameron."
He pulls you in for a deep kiss and gently says, "____, while I was out there on my own, you have been what's kept me alive. Knowing you were here, holding out for me, kept me going when I just wanted to give up. I'm here because you believed in me. You don't have to worry about me leaving or being taken away form you. I'm not going anywhere." He pulls you in once more and says , "I love you, ____ ____."
"I love you too, Poe Dameron." You reply. The nurse comes in, signaling time's up. You give him a smile and a peck on the forehead before walking out, but not before you give him one last glance. He winks at you and you blush.
"Later, Checkers."

A/N That was a long one. I wasn't planning on it getting that long, but I wanted to include a part about how hard it really is to move on sometimes. I know many authors think of people, especially their characters, as strong individuals who will always overcome everything with ease, but it's hard. It's long, and it doesn't always end as happy as this one did. Anyway, that was in my mind while writing this. I hope you enjoyed it!
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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