{Luke Skywalker} Darkside Pt. 2

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It had been a year and a half since Luke had last seen you. It had been a year and a half since he had embraced the Darkside and "fulfilled his destiny". After that fateful night, he had learned to push his feelings for you and focus on more prudent tasks, such as how to rule an Empire.
After Darth Vader, Luke's father, had killed the Emperor by throwing him over the railing of the Death Star's throne room, he too began to die from his wounds. The Empire's medical team was able to prolong his life for a year, but Vader spent every moment of everyday teaching his son how to rule the Empire for when he would pass on. That was six months ago.
     However, ever since his father's death, Luke, also known as Darth Malevous, has grown lonely, resulting in his feelings for you to return stronger than ever. As he sits in his chamber, he recalls a saying his Aunt Beru had once told him as a young child, "Time and distance make the heart grow fonder." He had allowed both to happen since the night he let you go. For the first time since that day, he allows himself to relive the days' events.
He had allowed himself to be captured that morning after speaking to Leia and giving you a quick goodbye. He didn't tell you the extent of his plan. All he asked you to do was to simply trust him. You gave him your trust and watched him leave to face Darth Vader. He hated having to leave you behind. He wanted nothing other than to flee the system with you and never look back as Leia had earlier suggested, but he knew this was the right thing to do.
Darth Vader brought Luke aboard the Death Star, before the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious.
     "Welcome young Skywalker. I have been expecting you." The Emperor began. He looked at Luke's restraints, "You will no longer need those." He then dismissed his guards as he gave Luke his full attention. He continued once the guards were gone, "I am looking forward to completing your training. In time, you will call me master."
      "You are gravely mistaken. You will not convert me as you did my father." Luke quickly replied.
     The Emperor stood and walked over to where Luke stood beside his father, Darth Vader. "Oh no young Jedi, it is you that is mistaken about a great many things."
     Darth Vader presented the hooded villain with Luke's lightsaber hilt, "His lightsaber."
     The Emperor looked careful at the weapon and said, "Ah, a Jedi's weapon, much like your father's. You must know by now that your father can never be turned from the darkside. So will it be with you."
     "You're wrong," Luke calmly argued, "Soon I'll be dead, and you with me.
     At this, the Emperor chuckled darkly, "Perhaps you refer to the imminent attack of the Rebel fleet." Luke looked down in shock. He knows.
     Triumphantly, the Emperor continued, "Yes, we are quite safe from your friends here." He returned back to his chair overlooking the Imperial fleet.
     It's that moment Luke saw a flaw in the Emperor. He quickly to pointed it out, "Your overconfidence is your weakness."
     Almost immediately, the Emperor quiped back, "Your faith in your friends is yours." He's more powerful than I thought.
     Agreeing with the Emperor, Darth Vader had said to Luke, "It is pointless to resist."
     The temptation to warn his friends and you began to rise, but he buried it deep inside.
     The Emperor started to reveal his master plan, starting out by pointing out that his friends on Endor were walking into a trap. Then, he explained his knowledge on the Rebel fleet's mission to destroy the Death Star. Finally he revealed it was him who allowed the Rebel Alliance to gain access to the plans. He also pointed out that the Imperial fleet lays in wait for the Rebel fleet. He took on a mocking tone, "I'm quite sure the deflector shields will be fully operational when your friends arrive."
     When the Rebel fleet arrived, the Emperor invited Luke to watch as they were pulled into the trap. "From here, you will witness the destruction of the Alliance and your insignificant Rebellion." Emotions had begun to swell as he watched fellow freedom fighters picked off by TIE fighters. He looked to his lightsaber. I can end this with a single swing of my lightsaber, but it's not the Jedi way. The Emperor sensed this and rested a hand on the lightsaber. He taunted Luke, "You want this. Don't you?" Luke's mind was racing. What am I going to do now? I can't let him kill my friends or her. Once again he attempted to bury his feelings by masking it with the hate he feels for the Emperor. "The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon and use it. I am unarmed." Luke knew better than to believe the lie. A man with his power and training in the Force is never defenseless. "Strike me down with it. Release your anger." At this comment, Luke has to turn away to resist the temptation of the darkside. All together, it was slowly breaking him down. "With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant."
     "No." Luke fought.
     "It is your destiny." The Emperor manipulated. "Like your father you are now mine." Luke continued to watch the battle, his emotions ate at him with every downed pilot. "As you can see, your friends have failed. Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational battle station. Fire at will commander." Luke watched in horror as the Death Star blew the medical frigate into oblivion. "Your fleet is gone and your friends on Endor will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice. The Alliance will die, as will your friends." Luke could no longer hide his feelings for his friends, they became evident as he searched the Emperor's and his father's face. "Good," the Emperors had praised, "I can feel your anger. Take your weapon and strike me down in your anger, then your journey to the darkside will be complete." Luke combated the temptation at first, but ultimately gave into it as he pulled his lightsaber to him and ignited it. Vader instantaneously ignited his own and blocked Luke's strike towards the Emperor.
Luke and Darth Vader engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel. As he swung his lightsaber, he kicked Vader in the chest, sending him down a flight of stairs. The Emperor once again praised Luke's aggressiveness, "Good, good. Now use your anger." At this praise, Luke had sheathed his lightsaber and looked at his father.
Vader praised Luke as well, "Obi-Wan has taught you well."
Luke shook his head. "I will not fight you father." Darth Vader climbed the stairs, causing Luke to step back.
Vader used his son's foolishness as a teaching moment, "You are unwise to lower your defenses." Luke reignited his green blade as he deflected Vader's strike. As they began to duel once more, Luke dodged Vader's strikes and backflipped onto a catwalk above the throne room.
Luke could sense the conflict inside Vader. He started, "Your thoughts betray you father. I feel the good in you, the conflict." He started to walk along the catwalk.
Vader argued, "There is no conflict."
Luke just continued, "You couldn't bring yourself to kill me then. I don't believe you'll destroy me now."
"You underestimate the power of the darkside. If you will not fight, you will meet your destiny." Vader said as he threw his lightsaber at a beam supporting the catwalk. Luke had tried to duck, but he fell with the walkway. The Emperor stood, pleased with the progress of the duel. Luke took advantage of this chance to escape Vader for a moment. While hidden, Luke's mind swirled with emotions that he could no longer contain. Thoughts of Han, Leia, and you appeared at once, and he was able to push those away, but by then it's too late. The Emperor and Vader had seen his flaw and realized the key to turning Luke to the darkside of the Force. "____ ____." Vader said your full name. "If you will not turn, she may be able persuade you." This comment enraged Luke as he came out of his hiding place. The two dueled once again, but this time, Luke allowed his emotions, anger; fear; and passion, to fuel his actions. Luke came to himself as he stood above his defeated father, lightsaber drawn and poised to strike. The Emperor descended the stairs, pleased at Luke's progression to the darkside. At that moment, Luke became conflicted, but the Emperor soon tried to change that.
     "Only the darkside of the Force can protect her. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. By my side, we could rule the galaxy, you could express your true feelings for ____, and grow stronger in the Force than you could on your own." The Emperor persuaded him, but Luke had one more thing to take into consideration.
     Luke questioned, "And what about my father?"
     "There can only be two. You must choose which master you will serve. However, I warn you that by choosing one, the other must be destroyed." Luke looked to his father, blade still ignited. He couldn't do it. The Emperor already knew that the boy would choose Vader over him. However, he pondered the thought of making an example of Luke to prove Vader's loyalty.
     Luke turned to the Emperor. As he started to swing, he was electrocuted by lightning coming from the Sith Lord's frail fingers. Luke could not with stand the sudden shock and was left to writhe underneath him in pain. Vader looked on as he stood next to the Emperor. He couldn't let his son die this way. He had turned, that was the deal. Turn or die.
    Vader looked once more at the Emperor's face. He noticed that the Dark Sith was enjoying sucking the life out of Luke. As Luke's screams for help echoed around the room, Darth Vader decided to put an end to it all. He picked the Emperor off the ground and with all his strength, threw him over the safety railing. Luke sat up after a while and noticed his father's critical condition. Vader was on the brink of death. Luke could either abandon him and try to return to his friends, or he could save his father and learn under his teachings as father and son, master and apprentice. In the moment, he chose his father as he carried him to the medical bay. Once the medical team had begun to operate on him, he made the decision to go looking for his friends, and most importantly, for you. Now that he had been freed from the rules of the Jedi, he was free to confess his true feelings to you without shame or guilt.
He had ordered the stormtroopers on Endor to keep a lookout for you, but when he realized you were injured and alone out in the forest, he realized he had to go to you himself, especially if you were ever going to understand his choice to turn...
But you didn't understand. You took one look at him and shot him in the leg, immobilizing him from going after you.
Since that day, he had tried to hate you, but couldn't bring himself to hate the girl who managed to steal his heart that night. Now, in a moment of what his father would have called weakness, he misses you. He misses your touch as you tended to his wounds after missions, he longs to see your sweet smile as you talked with him about your childhood, but most of all, he yearns for your company. You had made a promise to always be there for him, but now you're somewhere in that galaxy, out of his reach. He ponders how you've probably moved on, and made a life for yourself. He can't bear the thought.
He stands and walks over to his meditation chamber. It comes to mind that he may be able to reach you through the Force, if you'd even listen. He clears his mind and focuses on you, searching for the energy that fills any room you walk into. His eyes fly open as he locates you. "____."

A/N This one got extra long because I wanted to show how he was lead to the darkside. There will be a third part. That's where Luke will face the reader for the first time since part one. Hang in there.
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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