{Din Djarin} The Bounty Pt.1

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You knew they'd come for you eventually. You'd bounced from planet to planet once the bounty had been placed on your head, but you were tired of all the running.

This time, when you landed your ship for the last time, you hid it beneath the forest canopy of the planet Dirahn. From the moment you landed, you began to count the days until he would arrive.

You never knew his name. Even after countless manhunts for you, his name was never once mentioned. You only recognize him because he is the only bounty hunter persistent enough to follow you across the galaxy. Most bounty hunters that are sent out after you don't survive. One of the perks of being a part of the special operatives in the Empire was your extraordinary sharpshooting skills, and they had proved their worth time and time again.

Today was day 16. If you had to bet, you would've guessed he would've been here by now. Surely he hasn't given up yet. I was looking forward to putting a blast through that Mandalorian's Beskar armor for good. As strange as it sounded, fighting, running, and looking over your shoulder was all you knew. So much so that you used to enjoy the thrill of the chase. That is, until you realized you were running yourself out of time. With each planet you tried to assimilate into, the more you seemed to draw unwanted attention to yourself and the faster bounty hunters would soon discover you.

Unlike the last couple of planets, you had time to plan your hideout carefully. You found a spot in the mountainous region Dirahn on and decided to take shelter there until the hunters came. However, after 16 days, you'd become somewhat relaxed, allowing yourself to slowly settle into life here and even start drifting off during the night without too much trouble. Tonight, like the past two nights, you rigged the small traps, not meant to kill but would alert you to any unwanted visitors in the area, and headed to the small, previously abandoned hut you had encountered when you first landed. It was perfect for you, large enough to move around, but small enough to feel cozy and, believe it or not, safe. That was your first mistake.

Little did you know that the Mandalorian waited in the shadows of the treeline, waiting for the right time to move in for the attack. He had one objective, eliminate _____ _____ and bring back the scope of your infamously modified sniper rifle. Many had tried to fool the client with all kinds of scopes, but each one was given a blast to the chest for their effort or lack of it. This hit was expensive to take on due to your frequent movements, but after a couple months, he began to figure out the method to your madness. It also helped that for completing the job, the client would be paying back all expenses as well as the agreed upon bounty. It was too good not to pass up. So far, his plan had gone as he'd predicted; you were getting too comfortable. He had made sure to arrive on the planet before you, staking out deep in the undergrowth of the forest that stopped abruptly before the majestic mountain range.

As night fell, he began to make his way to your hut. During his surveillance, he watched where and how you set up your traps and made an effort to keep his distance from those spots. You slept soundly as he approached the hut, not once slipping up, setting off a trap that would compromise his position. He made it inside rather quickly and surveyed the small room. Instantly, his eyes fell on your figure and the rifle propped up on the bed post. Recalling his past encounters with you, he knew that you could draw your rifle and shoot an enemy like most smugglers could do with a blaster pistol. This time, he made sure to confiscate the rifle first.

He lined up the shot, but little did he know you were awake and ready for him since he walked in the door. At the last moment, you rolled to your left, dodging the blast. However, what you weren't prepared for was the second blast that rendered you unconscious.

Once you were unconscious, the Mandalorian sighed in relief, "Finally." He carried you back to his ship, patiently waiting for his arrival. He placed binders on you and set you in the passenger seat next to him in the cockpit. Quickly, he began to punch in coordinates as the Razorcrest began to lift off.

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