{Obi-Wan Kenobi} Read My Mind

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War has broke out between the Separatists and the Republic. Planets throughout the galaxy must choose which side of the war to be on. However, a handful of planets have chosen to remain neutral including the planet of Taris,  your home world.
This decision was made by the government of Taris, but many disagreed with this decision and started illegally selling blasters, rifles, and the most potent of them all, intelligence, to both sides of the war. You were a spy for the Republic and had been asked to spy on your own friends and family. It was disheartening at the least. Every night you reported back to a handful of commanders who brought your findings to senators in Coruscant.
     However, just when you collected enough evidence to bring before the Senate yourself, they cut the whole mission. This made all of your efforts for nothing. Enraged by the Senate's ignorance and inability to act, you left the Republic's ranks and became a smuggler like so many of your home world's people had turned to. The work was hard, but it payed well. Enough for you to purchase your own ship, a small freighter.
One night after a long run to Corellia, you came home to find someone waiting for you in your small home. Immediately after you saw him, you pulled your blaster out of the holster and had your finger on the trigger. However, you couldn't bring yourself to shoot the man standing in your living quarters.
With you blaster still raised, you ask, "Who sent you?"
The man chuckles, "You ask the right questions. I was sent by the Jedi Council to find ____ ____. Rumor has it that she can help me."
You raise an eyebrow. The Jedi Council? They wouldn't send a Jedi to deal with a smuggler. There must be a bigger issue. "Well, I can take you to her, but I must know why." You say cautiously. He must not know who I am.
"I cannot share that." He says in a serious tone. "This is specifically for her ears only."
You begin to chuckle quietly, "Well it's a good thing I'm ____ ____."
Now it's the man's turn to be confused. "How can I be sure?"
You sigh and stand in salute, "Former Captain ____ ____ of the 7th Aleena Reconnaissance Regiment of the Grand Army of the Republic, General—"
     He slightly stutters, "Ken-Kenobi."
     "Alright, General Kenobi, what can I help you with?"
     Obi-Wan stands in shock. This is the contact? He quickly shakes it off, "A year ago, you were a spy for Republic Intelligence, you collected a substantial amount of evidence to report to the Senate. This world's neutrality is in danger, and the Jedi Council has sent me to retrieve the evidence."
     You take a step back, "Why would I help them after everything they've done? I spent a year collecting information and spying on my own friends and family. Then, when I had finally collected what was needed, they cut me down and shut down my mission. Now they want it all back? It's too late. I destroyed the evidence and resigned. They cannot just call on me after a whole year. I'm sorry you had to come all this way for nothing." You start to turn around and leave for your ship.
     "Wait, they cut this reconnaissance mission?" He asks.
     "Yes, a whole year ago. I've moved on." You say bitterly.
     "May I ask one last question?" He inquires.
     "It seems you have, but fire away." She says uninterested.
     "Why would you join the very people you almost turned in?" He says quickly. You stop in your place.
     "How did y—" You start.
     "I know I shouldn't have, but your thoughts are really loud."
     "Blast it. Now what? Are you going to turn me in?"
     "No, I'm going to offer you a chance."
A chance?
     "Yes, a chance at redemption. Sorry, I did it again. If you help recover some of the evidence you found in that span of a year, I will spare the details of your past occupation and accept you into my own personal clone squadron. I know that sounds far-fetched, but that evidence is crucial." You look down at your feet in thought.
This is insane. My work could be useful again, meaning it wasn't all for nothing, and I could have my old life as a soldier again in a squadron with a fine-looking— shoot, he better not have heard that.
    If he hears your thoughts he does not act on them. You look up, "I would appreciate that. I did destroy a portion of the evidence, but it is not completely lost. A few days around here could give me a tremendous amount of evidence, especially with my boss—connections."
     Obi-Wan smiles warmly, "Good, I will be on-planet for three days attending to some other Jedi business. Am I correct in assuming you have a ship?"
     "Yes, in hangar bay 7."
     He strokes his beard and says, "In three days time, we will meet there and head to Coruscant."
     You nod. "Sounds like a plan Jedi. May the Force be with you."
     He smiles once more. "May the Force be with you, ____."
     He leaves your house with a grin on his face. Fine-looking? This will be interesting.

A/N This book is already over 240 reads!! Thank you for reading and for everyone who's dropped a vote. I promise that it hasn't gone unnoticed. Christmas Day I noticed this book had 6 votes! Thank you for your support!
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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