{Finn} [Request]

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     If there was such thing as a luck, it was definitely not on your side. After a mission aboard a First Order Dreadnought gone wrong, you were finally coming home. Your squadron had left you behind, per your orders in order to let them escape the First Order. After a month of captivity, you were ready to see them, your friends, and your brother, Poe Dameron.
As you descend to the tarmac of the Resistance base, you notice a line of fighters ready to meet you. Why are they holding blasters? Oh, I'm in a First Order shuttle. You land and walk down the ramp with your hands in the air in surrender. Poe is the first one to drop his blaster. He runs to you and embraces you tightly. After a moment, you playfully shove him off, "Get off me you lump. You're no better than a mynock."
Poe laughs, "Yeah, yeah. Maybe if you'd be more careful, I wouldn't be worried, princess. By the way, a certain Resistance hero is waiting for ya. You better go see him."
     You smile, "Sorry, it wasn't exactly the plan to be captured by the First Order." You press a kiss to your brothers cheek in gratitude and rush off to find Finn.
     Little did you know that Finn watched the whole interaction and was starting to become jealous. Not many people know that Poe is your brother due to the fact that you have asked to keep it under wraps. Having him around is fun, but you want your success as a spy to be because of your efforts, not your bloodline, so you go by the alias, ____ ____. This makes Finn start to believe that the cocky flyboy is maybe more than a friend to you. He starts walking back to the hangar, but you catch up to him. "Finn, wait up!"
Part of him doesn't want to turn around. He didn't want to have to ask about you and his best friend. He doesn't want to have to bury his feelings for you and pretend like he is happy even though his heart is broken, but somehow, he musters up the courage to put a brave smile on and turn around to see you. "____, you're back!" You give him a hug and just hold onto him for a moment as if you were holding on for dear life.
     He holds onto you just as tightly, but after a long moment, he asks, "____, what's wrong?"
     You sniffle and reply, "I missed you. When it's just you in that cell, it messes with your mind, there's no way to tell time, no real up or down. And when Kylo Ren came to interrogate me, all I could think of to keep me strong was you. You are what got me through day after day. Finn, I never got to tell you before I left, but I love you. So very much."
     He's speechless. Here's the girl who caught his eye the moment he stepped on base. The girl who lit up his darkest days with her smile and made his heart do loops, like her X-Wing would in the sky. She loves me. He squeezes her a little tighter and says, "I love you too."
     All of the sudden, he pulls away, "Wait, what about Poe? I can't take you away from him. I-I'm sorry—"
     You begin to laugh. Finn's face falls. It was a prank, wasn't it. You finally stop laughing just long enough to say, "Finn, Poe's my brother." Once again, you bend over in a laughing fit. Brother? Poe Dameron, the sly little—
     You notice the wheels beginning to turn in Finn's mind, so you press a kiss to his lips. At first, he doesn't realize, but when he does, he pulls you closer. You try to lead him towards your quarters, but Finn kisses you deeply just before you can make it to the room.
      Poe Dameron walks through the halls, looking for his little sister. When he turns the corner to the hallway of her room, he sees his little sister and his best friend making out. "Hey!" he yells out. The two of you jump apart like lightning. Poe begins to cackle, "I ain't gonna stop ya, but be careful with my little sister, Mr. Big Deal." He turns around and walks away, still chuckling to himself.
     Finn and you look at one another before the two of you finally go inside your quarters.

A/N Request by @Favengers1 . Two days later and I'm still crying over the ending of The Clone Wars. Never have I ever had a show tear me up this bad, but I gotta hand it to Dave Filoni, that's the best ending anyone could hope for. I hope you all are doing well!
May the Fourth be with you! And a Happy Revenge of the Fifth! (since I forgot to update the past two days)
- Sarah

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