{Poe Dameron} Pregnant [Request]

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"Hold on. You're what?"
"I'm pregnant."
"No, I'm not going to be a father. This Resistance is my life, now you have to screw it up because you weren't careful."
"So you're gonna stand there and tell me its my fault that you—"
"Just get out. Out of my bed, out of my room, and out of my life. I want nothing to do with you or this child."
You wake up in a cold sweat and with a sharp gasp. Immediately, you look over at the empty place next to you in your bed. Don't worry ____. He's just on a mission. It wasn't real.
However, that didn't ease your mind as much as you thought it would. Truth be told, there was a sliver of truth in that nightmare. You were pregnant with none other than the Resistance hero, Poe Dameron's, child. You discovered it about two weeks ago after Poe left for a longer mission. Ever since you found out in that medical bay room, you have been stressing about how to break the news to Poe.
You and Poe had discussed the possibility of raising a family, but you had both decided to wait until the war was over, so the child could be raised without the chaos that war always brings, especially with both your involvement in the Resistance. Two weeks later and you've still kept it completely under wraps, except for the droid who delivered the life-changing news. Not even your best friend, Jesika Pava, knows, but that's about to change.
After tossing and turning for a few more minutes, you finally get up and throw on a black shirt, a black pair of pants, and Poe's jacket he left behind in order to stay under the First Order's radar. You make your way to the mess hall for the one thing that you knew could lift your spirits, hot chocolate. After making a cup for yourself, you sit down at one of the tables, specifically the table where you were sitting when you caught the eye of a certain flyboy.
You relive the sweet memory, but snap back to reality. If only I could go back to those times.
"____, what are you doing up at this hour?" A familiar voice calls out from behind you. You turn to see your best friend, Jesika Pava, walking into the mess hall with workout gear on and sweat clinging to her forehead.
"I could ask you the same thing." You quip back.
"Okay, you got me there, but seriously, what's wrong? You never come to get hot chocolate unless you're upset or sneaking around with Poe." She chuckles lightly and takes a seat next to you.
You want to tell her. You know you can trust her, but the words that you've never spoken to another soul refuse to come out. You simply stutter on your words for a moment before becoming frustrated and letting out a sigh in defeat.
"That bad, huh?" She puts a hand on your back. "If you want, we can talk later." Jesika starts to get up to return to her workout, but the words finally tumble out of your mouth.
"I'm pregnant." You say with your head hung in shame.
"What?! Pregnant?! Kriff, ____, you and Poe are going to be parents. This is amaz—" She stops when she notices your sobs. "Oh, ____. You're going to be a great mother. I know it."
You manage to shake your head and whisper, "That's not what I'm worried about." Jesika looks you in the eye and then sighs in realization.
"You haven't told Poe."
At this statement, you simply nod. "I've known for two weeks, the day after Poe left for his mission."
"But still, that's not a reason for you to be afraid. I'm sure he'll be elated to know that he's going to be a father." She tries to cheer you up.
"I don't know about that. I've been having the same reoccurring nightmare that he rejects me and tells me to get out of his life. What if I really have screwed up? What if he doesn't love—"
"Don't finish that sentence. If I know one thing, it's that Poe Dameron loves you more than anything in the entire universe. He makes sure to mention it to us everyday. I know you're scared, but Poe would never do anything like that." She gives you a reassuring smile. "Now, go and get some rest."
You get up and give her a tight hug. "Thank you Jesika."
"Anything for you, ____." With that, she leaves you alone in the mess hall. You start to walk back to your quarters when you hear a commotion coming from the hangar. Curious, you slightly jog over to the source of the sound. You walk in to find a curly-haired pilot, kicking a box of tools by a black and orange painted X-Wing. You rush over to him and engulf him in an embrace.
"Hey there, Hotshot."
Poe just stands there for a moment, clinging to you like you could disappear at any moment.
"Come on, let's get you to bed." You say calmly.
"Do you really think those things about me?" He asks softly.
"What things?" You ask, confused.
"That I would ever reject you or leave you. Do you think I would ever just shut you out one day?" He looks into your eyes, heartbroken.
"Poe, what did you hear in there?" You ask realizing that he heard your conversation with Jesika.
"I heard you say that you think I'll reject you and that I never loved you. Baby, if that's how you felt, why didn't you tell me you felt that way?" It's that moment you realize that he still doesn't know the truth.
"Poe." His deep brown gaze drops to the ground by your feet. "Poe, look at me." He slowly looks up into your eyes. "I have something to tell you."
"No, before you say it, just know that I have always loved you and will continue to for the rest of my life. If you think it's best, then go ahead, but I'll be waiting here for you. I will always wait for you."
You chuckle lightly at the heart-felt statement, "Poe, I'm not going to leave you." His eyes brighten at this, but his eyebrows begin to furrow. "Poe Dameron, you're going to be a father."
His mouth almost hits the floor. "Hold on. You're—You're pregnant?!" You smile and give him a nod. He picks you up and spins you around before crashing his lips passionately into yours as he puts you down gently. "____, I cant believe it! I'm actually going to be a father!" His face suddenly falls. "I'm going to be a father." He looks up at you in slight panic. "Are we really ready for something like this?"
You give him a peck on the cheek and shrug. "Maybe. Maybe not. I wasn't sure at first either, but I know now that we'll figure it out, together."

A/N Thank you for requesting this one @mcmahon This was a doozy to write. I wrote two rough drafts for this prompt and could not choose between them. I hope you enjoy it! 😁
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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