{Luke Skywalker} Something Else

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"I'm ____, and you are?"
"Luke, Luke Skywalker."
Not looking up from the droid you're working on you reply. "So your the hotshot everyone's talking about. If I'm being completely honest, I thought you'd be a little older. No offense, just an assumption." You finally look up, brushing the hair out of your face. When he gets a good look at you, he stutters slightly.
"Oh, um, yeah." He can't help but admire how the grease on your face brings out the brightness in your eyes. She's gorgeous.
"You here with a mission, Commander?" You ask after noticing how he's seemed to zone out.
He snaps back into reality at your comment, "Uh, yeah. My droid, R2D2, was brought here to be repaired. I was wondering if I could check on him." You tilt your head slightly, trying to remember which droid belongs to him. Suddenly, it clicks.
"Yeah, he's back this way. He came in with some real damage, he's lucky to be functioning," you say remembering the poor condition of the astromech that was brought to you yeasterday. "You might want to be careful with him the next few days. There's a possibility of something coming loose or a malfunction. If anything seems abnormal, just bring him back in and I'll fix him right up." You round the corner to reveal a blue and white astromech, "Won't I Artoo?" You crouch down to add the finishing touch, tightening two loose bolts.
"You fix them yourself?" Luke questions after noticing how there seems to be no one else in the workshop.
You pause for a moment and look back at him, "Well, yeah. It's my thing you know? While you pilots have your heads in the clouds, I enjoy the bells and whistles of droids, ships, and all sorts of things."
He lets out a small chuckle, "Well, if it matters to you, I think you've done a great job with Artoo."
You slightly blush at the compliment, "Thank you, Commander."
"You can call me Luke."
You stand to your feet and turn to face him with a quizzical look, "You know what, Com-Luke? I can't seem to figure you out. You're not like the other pilots that come in here. Most of them are impatient to get their droids back, and very few even talk to me for this long. You're something else; I like that. See you around, Luke." With that, you walk back to the droid you were previously repairing, trying to hide your smile.
Luke's gaze follows you until you are out of sight. R2D2 whirs. Luke looks to his droid, "Artoo, stay out of this." The astromech beeps out another comment. Luke grins to himself, "I know buddy. I know. She's definitely something else."

A/N Sometimes it's weird how I can sit down and write something and realize how it just comes together. I was trying to write a request, but after scrapping it about 4 times, I ended up with this. @tomato_soup_2004
May the Force be with you!
- Sarah

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