{Anakin Skywalker} Where the Sun Meets the Sky

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     "Where is she?" A stern voice calls out through the hangar. Captain Rex immediately knows who it is before he even turns around.
     "General Skywalker," Rex stiffens up.
     "Rex, where is she?" Anakin asks more firmly.
     Rex sighs, "She was involved in a training accident. She is perfectly fine." He braces for the General's next question.
     "Where is she?" Anakin repeats, this time frustration is evident in his tone.
     "Sir, I was ordered not to disclose that information. Her orders." Rex finally admits.
     Anakin folds his arms, "Now why would she do something like that?"
     Suddenly, Ahsoka oka bursts into the hangar. "Rex, where's ____? I heard she was in an accident." That's when she notices Anakin. "Rex won't talk either?" She asks her Master.
     He shakes his head. "She's ordered them not to tell us about her whereabouts. Looks like we'll have to find her ourselves." They two leave the hangar and head to the nearby medical wing.
     "I don't get it," Ahsoka starts, "Why would she not tell us? We are her best friends." Anakin chokes and goes into a coughing fit. "Master?"
     "I'm fine, Snips. Just caught a backwards breath." He replies.
     He forgets. It's not easy hiding a secret like this from his own Padawan. In fact, there are many times he's felt like just letting it out in the open, opposed to all of the sneaking around. Other times, he just assumes Ahsoka knows. When in reality, she's just as oblivious as the others. He shakes his head to clear his mind.
      The two walk into the medical wing and ask the front desk droid, "We're looking for ____ ____. She was in a training accident. Do you know what room she would be in?" The droid begins to type into the computer.
     A moment later it looks up, "I'm sorry, but she left the medical wing about five minutes ago. You just missed her."
     Anakin rolls his eyes, "Of course we did."
     Next, they try going to her quarters in the Temple. When they arrive, there's a note on the door that says, "Find me where the sun meets the sky."
     "Sun meets the sky?" Ahsoka questions. "That could mean almost anything." For Anakin, he knows exactly what she means. To give himself at least a couple minutes alone with you he makes a plan.
"Well, lets make it a contest. Whoever finds ____ first, gets the day off tomorrow. No training, no assignments, and no chores. Got it?" Anakin challenges.
"Alright, but be prepared to lose, Skyguy." Ahsoka taunts. With that she races off in the opposite direction.
Anakin rolls his eyes at the Padawan. Smart as a whip, just needs to learn patience. He walks back to the hangar where it all started. Rex is overseeing his men run some drills. When Anakin walks through the door, he notices how at ease the General looks. "I'm going out for an evening flight. I'll be back soon enough. If you see Ahsoka, let her know."
Captain Rex nods, "Yes, sir."
Anakin jumps into his Jedi Counselor ship and takes off. Where the sun meets the sky. You've always been fond of flying. Before you came to the Temple, you grew up living in a culture that valued piloting. Your planet held the Five Sabers every year. You've kept up with the races, even as a Jedi. In fact, you were thrilled to find out that there was an old, abandoned track from where the race used to end on Coruscant. Whenever you had a day off, you could be found at the Solis Occurret In Caelum Stadium, racing the worn down track. It's name translates to "where the Sun meets the Sky."
     As he approaches the stadium, he notices a single speeder, racing the track at full throttle. He rolls his eyes. Only ____ could get herself in a training accident, yet still find the strength to come out here and race.
     He lands in the middle of the stadium and hops out of his ship. He jumps out just in time to see you cross the finish line.
You immediately turn to the Togruta holding a stopwatch. "Not too bad. If you weren't injured, I think you could've dropped 10 whole seconds."
You chuckle, "Probably." That's when you notice Anakin climbing out of his cockpit. He begins to walk over, but recognizes the Togruta keeping your time.
Ahsoka waves, "Yes, Master?"
"How did you find her before I did?" He rubs the back of his neck.
"Oh, I see what's going on." You say as you dismount the speeder. "You two made it a race to see who could find me first. Sorry, Anakin, but Ahsoka made it here fast enough to time a few laps around the track."
"Which means..." Ahsoka taunts.
"Yes, you get the day to yourself. A deal's a deal." Anakin sighs in defeat. Ahsoka pumps a fist in the air in celebration.
"But, Rex needs to see you. He said something about it when I left the hangar."He says smoothly.
She nods, "On it, Skyguy. I'll catch up with you later, ____." You wave as she races to her ship.
You turn to Anakin, "And what are you going to say when Rex doesn't need to see her?"
"I'll wing it."
You roll your eyes. "You look anxious. Are you okay?"
He sighs, "Why didn't you tell me where you were? I was freaking out. When Rex wouldn't tell me, I almost lost it. You can't do that to me."
You wrap your arms around him in a hug. "I'm fine. See? Just a fractured ankle. It's nothing drastic."
"I know I don't need to tell you, but you don't need to be racing with your ankle in that condition." He says softly.
You shrug, "Well, what else was I going to do with a pretty day like this?"
"I don't know," Anakin jokes, "How about spend the rest of the day with me?"
You play along, "Of course, why didn't I think of that?" You give him a peck on the cheek. "Well, the suns up for two more hours, any ideas?"
He smirks, "I've got a few."
With that, he mounts the bike and you sit behind him. "Do you think I could beat your record?"
"No way. I'm part (Your choice of planet). Remember?"
"Sounds like a challenge to me."
"It's on."

A/N This started out as a request, but it as I wrote, it turned into something else. I won't count this one as the request. I'll do a separate one to better fit the prompt that was actually sent.
May the Force be with you!!
- Sarah

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