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"This is so stupid." Yunhee heard Chenle mumbled and tried not to laugh.

They were on an excursion for operations, playing another one of Jaehyun's games. He had assigned half the class as tails and the other half as people trying to figure out who their tail was.

Yunhee was assigned as Chenle's tail and was finding it quite funny how her boyfriend was struggling to figure out who his tail was. He was clearly frustrated and Yunhee resisted the urge to leave her hiding spot to give him a big hug.


They two had decided to make it official one night after plenty of cuddles and kisses. Apparently Chenle had a talk with Mark about it too, worried that being spies would take a toll on their relationship.

But the two couldn't be going any more smoothly as they were able to enjoy both their down time and their study time together. They were also careful, making sure to include time without each other that they could spend with their own friends instead.

Yunhee blinked a few times as she realized that Chenle was no longer when she last saw him, standing up from the bench she was sitting on.

Where did he go?

Yunhee tried not to make any suspicious movements as she made her way down the street, trying to find Chenle.

She let out a small shriek as she was pulled into an alleyway. Yunhee would have thrown a punch if it wasn't her boyfriend's eyes staring right back at her.

"So who's the crappy tail now?" Chenle asked with a smirk as he held his girlfriend in his arms, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.


Chenle has the biggest grin on his face as he entered the classroom, Yunhee dragging her feet behind him. He was proud of himself for finally doing better than the girl in their Operations class, an extreme rarity.

Inside the classroom sat their friends and Lucas, making Yunhee immediately brighten up. Chenle let the girl drag him to their seats as they waited for Taeyong to give them an update on the results of their mission.

"I'm sorry Soojin." Taeyong began once they were all settled. "Your father's body was found in the rubble, his identity confirmed."

"It's fine." Soojin said, crossing her arms. "He was a traitor anyways."

Chenle noticed Mark rub his girlfriend's arm, comforting the girl that was clearly trying to stay strong through it all.

"Good news though, because Sanghoon was a high level criminal, the Intelligence Agencies have decided to present you each with an honour, unknown to the rest of the world of course." Taeyong said, motioning to the door.

Chenle gulped as he saw Kun enter with black boxes in his hands. He called each of them up, one by one.

When it was Chenle's turn, he slowly made his way to the front, feeling nervous from the huge grin on Kun's face.

"Feels nice to chase the criminals instead of having them chase you, no?" Kun said as he passed him the black box.

"Ish." Chenle said, taking the box before returning to his seat.

His eyes widened as he opened the box, staring at the object inside and could tell his friends were equally as surprised.

There, sitting inside the box was a medal.


"Exams are so stupid." Yunhee muttered as she stared at her history textbook. She could hear Chenle chuckling at her comment as he fiddled with some machine parts in front of him.

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