Chapter 8

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"No, you can't just do that!" Chenle scolded, making Yunhee let out a deep sigh.

They were in Computing class and Chenle was helping her out with the assignment she was working on.

Like Yunhee had expected, her and Chenle were both very different people with many differences. This meant that they had quite a bit of difficulty working together.

Somehow, they had gotten through a week and Yunhee was a lot farther along than she had ever expected to be but still not far enough, at least according to Chenle.

Turns out the reason why he slacked off so much was because he somehow was able to absorb information like a sponge. Chenle could already program very well, so computing was no challenge for him.

Unfortunately, it was a big one for her.

"I don't get it! None of these letters make sense!" Yunhee groaned, dropping her head onto the table with a thud. She noticed Chenle flinch at the sound.

"That's one way to lose brain cells." Chenle commented as Yunhee raised her head again, giving Chenle the dirtiest look she could muster.

"Here." Chenle said, pulling out his notebook.

"Programming isn't that difficult once you know how it works. It's like another language." Chenle told her, scribbling some notes down before passing the notebook to her.

"There's different commands that you give the computer. Once you learn them, you'll be able to tell the computer what to do, like a dog learning tricks."

"That's a lot of tricks. A lot of complex tricks." Yunhee said as she notice a small smile appear on Chenle's face.

"Yeah, it is a lot. But the more you use them, the faster you learn them." Chenle said, standing up.

Yunhee was suprised when when she felt Chenle's hands behind her chair and gripped tightly to the seat as he pushed her to where the computer was.

"So, stop making me do this for you and do it yourself." Chenle said with a smirk before plopping down on his seat, whipping out his phone to play a game.

"Some things never change." Yunhee mumbled as she took Chenle's notebook, using it to complete the assignment.


Yunhee's favourite class was definitely Operations. That was the one class where she was sure that she would do better than Chenle in.

The poor male wasn't able to absorb any of the tips Jaehyun was giving, but considering his specialty, it seemed like he didn't really care. Yunhee had watched Chenle put together numerous gadgets in Winwin's class, and he seemed like he would be perfectly content if that was all he had to do.

Unfortunately though, as sophmores, Operations was a mandatory class for them. Next year was the year where they could chose what to focus on, and Yunhee was certain that Chenle would never set foot in an Operations class ever again.

Yunhee heard Chenle let out a huge sigh of relief as Jaehyun wrapped up the class but his happiness was cut short when Jaehyun held his hand up, signalling that there was more.

"Tomorrow, we'll be having another excursion. This time, you'll be working in pairs with your desk partner. I'll be informing you of the assignment tomorrow, so study up whatever you need to." Jaehyun informed them.

The thought of an excursion excited Yunhee until Jaehyun's words properly registered in her head.

She turned to look at Chenle, wondering if he had heard what Jaehyun said.

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