Chapter 7

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After dinner, the students had the freedom to whatever they wanted to until classes started the next morning.

Yunhee saw most of the boys headed towards the sports dome, probably for a night workout. There was also a grand library in one of the wings where you could study, and Yunhee saw some students heading there. If you weren't into that though, the dorms had a few lounges where you could relax and rest up for the night.

Apparently, you could book times in the different labs, and one of the teachers would open it up and watch you as you used it. That was where Chaewon was heading.

After she found out that Chaewon was Mark's cousin, Yunhee had decided not to bring it up until she knew that Chaewon was comfortable talking about it again. She couldn't help but wonder why Chaewon was so sensitive about it though.

But Yunhee had other things to worry about as unfortunately, her night did not involve relaxing. Instead, she was called into the headmaster's office.

As Yunhee arrived outside the door, she wasn't the least bit suprised to see standing in the doorway, waiting for her.

"How was the first day of classes?" Kun asked her. Yunhee shrugged.

"Not bad." Yunhee simply replied as Kun brought her in to the headmaster's office.

What did surprise her though, was the fact that Chenle was sitting inside, a huge pout on his face.


"Excuse me, what?" Chenle exclaimed at Taeyong's words as he sat there in his office.

Chenle was already unhappy that Jaehyun had called him there in the first place, meaning that he couldn't game with Jisung in that tournament they had been looking forward to all week. Then to hear the words leave Taeyong's mouth... This day sucks.

"It's a chance to change your grade, Chenle. I'm sure you don't want that zero on your report card." Taeyong said, tapping the pen on his desk as he waited on his response. "I think it's a fair trade off."

"No it's not." Chenle instantly argued, not caring that it was the headmaster of the school. "Being Yunhee's playmate is not what I want. I would much rather get a zero."

Taeyong sighed, sitting straight in his chair. "You're not a playmate, Chenle. You're just helping her get caught up, especially since she's already a year behind. Plus, it would just be helping her with non-academic stuff, I already asked Renjun to tutor her in the other classes."

"You do know that there's only one academic class here, right?" Chenle said, glaring at Taeyong.

"Listen, Operations is a really important class. If you fail that, you're going to be held back a year." Taeyong reminded him.

Chenle couldn't help but jut his lower lip out in a pout. As much as he loved spending time with Jisung, being held back a year was just flat out embarassing.

"What about Chaewon?" Chenle suggested, hoping he could get out of it but it was no use.

"Chaewon is working on another project." Taeyong said, his eyes darkening.

"Is it about-"

Unfortunately though, before Chenle could finish, Kun entered, Yunhee following right behind him.


Yunhee soon found the reasoning behind Chenle's unhappiness.

Taeyong was nice, introducing himself and shaking her hand, giving her a warm welcome.

"As you know, Neo Academy is not your regular school." Taeyong said.

Wow, didn't know that one.

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