Chapter 1

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"Test? Already?" Chenle exclaimed, staring at the paper in front of him. He was only a few days into his sophmore year and he was already being tested.

Jeong Jaehyun, a former agent with the MI6 and now an instructor at the academy nodded his head as the rest of Chenle's class turned their heads towards him from his sudden exclamation.

"It's a simple one, just tailing." Jaehyun told them. "You just need to fill out the following information on the sheet in front of you. Shouldn't be too hard if you've paid attention to my class."

Should be easy enough, Chenle thought as he glanced at the contents of the paper before shoving it in his pocket, getting up to follow the rest of his class to the bus that would take them to the city.


Yunhee stared at the hefty bill in her hand, wondering what she should do with it.

Doesn't really matter, it's not yours, Yunhee thought as she shoved it in the pockets of her thin jacket, along with her hands.

Yunhee had spotted it sticking out of the pocket of this man who was walking towards her, too busy talking on the phone. With the slight twist of her hand, she was able to grab it swiftly, without the man even noticing.

I could get a nice pair of jeans, Yunhee thought as she made her way to the mall located in the city.

That would a lot more fun than going to school anyways.


Chenle wondered if his hyungs had gone through the same thing as he started at the photo Jaehyun had sent him, his target for the day.

It was a girl who looked around his age, which was something Chenle wasn't expecting.

Shouldn't she be in school?

Chenle soon found the girl, wandering around different stores, looking at jeans. She was tall and skinny, but still shorter than him, and something about the way she walked made it obvious that she was much too confident in herself for his liking.

Chenle easily typed the girl's physical description into the form he had transported onto his phone, all things he could find out from just from as simple glance. He even found her exact measurements from the size of jeans she was trying on.

Name, birthdate, age? How am I supposed to get that? Chenle thought, looking at the remainder of the blanks he needed to fill in. I need to see her ID card.

When Chenle finished entering what he could, he looked up to see that the girl wasn't where she was a few seconds ago.


He looked around the store, trying to see if she was in a changing room but she was nowhere to be found.

What am I supposed to do now?

Chenle quickly exited to store, hoping the girl hadn't gone to far. He was walking so fast, he almost ran into the girl that slid out in front of him out of nowhere.

"Why are you following me?"


Yunhee had noticed the male following her a few stores back.

He was slightly taller than her, with dark hair and cold eyes, his eyebrows constantly furrowed as he stared at his phone. He looked around her age, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was skipping school too.

There seemed to be quite a bit of teenagers in the mall today, more than usual.

Maybe they're on some kind of excursion?

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