Chapter 9

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"The objective is simple." Jaehyun said as the bus arrived at what looked like a mall.

Great, here we go again, Chenle thought as the bus came to a stop, a wide grin on Jaehyun's face.

"Somewhere in this town, there's a museum with a huge tyrannosaurus display in the centre of it. Meet me there at 5:00pm." Jaehyun told them.

Sounds easy enough.

"That's it?" Yunhee exclaimed in disbelief as the heads turned towards her.

At least it's not me.

Jaehyun simply chuckled as he strugged his shoulders, hands in his pockets.

"It would be nice if no one was tailing you." Jaehyun said, a smirk plastered on his face.


"You're way too agitated." Chenle said as he stared as he grabbed a sweater from the rack, placing it against his body. "Does this look good on me?"

Yunhee rolled her eyes. "Unlike you, I don't want to fail this assignment. Plus, that colour is super ugly."

Chenle returned the sweater on the rack, jutting his lips out in a pout. "Rude."

Yunhee checked behind her once again as they exited the store, moving onto the next one. She was making sure no one was following them, and much to her displeasure, there was no one there.

"The more you turn around is just going to make you stand out." Chenle said as he pulled her into the next one, full of fancy shoes. "The point of losing a tail is blending in."

"Are you speaking from experience?" Yunhee said with a smirk as Chenle glanced at some shoes on the rack. This earned her a nasty glare.

"Just because I'm a bad tail doesn't mean that I'm bad at losing a tail." Chenle said before calling a worker over. He asked if they had his size and the worker said she would check the back. "My best friend is known as the chameleon for a reason."

"You're not Jisung though." Yunhee pointed out as the sat down, waiting for the worker to return. "Jisung would probably be halfway across the city by now."

Chenle simply shrugged. "Probably, but getting there early doesn't help. Jaehyun wanted us there at 5:00pm for a reason."

Yunhee checked her phone and saw that it was only 12:00pm. 5 more hours.

The worker returned with a shoebox, telling them that if they needed anything else, just let her know before going to help the next group.

"We're looking for students, right? Who else would Jaehyun get to tail us?" Yunhee said, glancing around the store for anyone looking out of place.

The best place for an agent to be is a familiar place, that's what Jaehyun told them. Then they would immediately notice if someone was out of place or stood out in the crowd.

Which is precisely why Jaehyun took them far away, to a city that none of them had been before. And to make it better, the whole place seemed to be a tourist attraction. No one here looked like they belonged.

"Not necessarily." Chenle said as he stared at his reflection, checking out the shoes. He thought for a bit before shaking his head, sitting back down. "Jaehyun has connections with a lot of people. It could be anyone from NIS agents to the juniors."

"Great." Yunhee said as they got up, returning the shoes to the worker before exiting again.

"Hey, guess what." Chenle said as he glanced at his phone, opening up the GPS app.

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