Chapter 26

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"Chenle, Yunhee, 3 o'clock."

Yunhee had forgotten the Jisung was above all of them, hiding and making sure their tails were clear.

As Yunhee glanced towards her right, she gulped.

There, lurking in the darkness was a man dressed in all black. Not just any man though.

Han Sanghoon.

And as he moved, Yunhee saw the gun attached to his belt.

"It's fully loaded." Chenle whispered, clearly noticing the weapon as well. "Which is bad. The strongest weapon we each have right now are those stupid pen tasers. We might as well be weaponless."

Yunhee bit her lip. They originally had the guns and knives but going through the traps had made the two lose all of them.

Yunhee was sure that the others could hear him and was impressed that they didn't show it. They had to convince Sanghoon that they were unaware of his presence.

"So what are we supposed to do then?" Lucas asked, trying to keep the conversation going as Chenle and Yunhee figure out how they could possibly stop Sanghoon.

"You're trapped." Soojin told them, and Yunhee remembered that she didn't have an earpiece. "It's only a matter of time before my father arrives."

"Yunhee, you need to get the gun from him." Chenle told her. "Then I can jam it so he can't use it. After I'm done, you can place it back and he won't know."

"I can't just do that." Yunhee told him. "Even if I get it, there's no way I can put it back without making a sound. We need a distraction."

Yunhee watched as Chenle's face fell and knew that he was out of ideas.

"Um, did you say distraction?"

Yunhee saw Chenle's eyes light up at the sound of his best friend's voice. "Jisung, you have something?"

"Yeah, but I can only do it once so whenever you're all ready." Jisung told them.

Yunhee felt Chenle's eyes on her and knew they were waiting on her.

It's all on your shoulders now.

On one hand, Yunhee was risking her life, and could easily fail. On the other hand, her friends needed her help, this was their only hope in making it out of this place alive.

"Chenle, don't forget about the explosives under our truck." Renjun said and that's when Yunhee recalled that there was a lot more to do.

"I haven't." Chenle said, staring into Yunhee's eyes. "Just give her a moment."

Yunhee closed her eyes, hand over her rapidly beating chest as she took a deep breath before opening them again.

She gave Chenle a nod. "I'm ready."

"Jeno, take a step to your right please." Jisung asked.

Yunhee could tell Jeno was confused by Jisung's instructions but did as told, getting closer to Jaemin.

"Chenle, on your signal." Jisung said, meaning that he was in place.

Yunhee followed Chenle as they stared at Sanghoon, waiting for the right moment.

Just as the man put his leg forward, about to take a step, Chenle's voice rang through her ears.


Yunhee heard a crash and from the corner her eye, saw Jisung fall from above, surprising all of them as he landed on Jeno and Jaemin. She didn't have time to register everything around her, as she lurched forward, taking Sanghoon's suprised state to her advantage.

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