Chapter 12

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Who in the world is Soojin? Yunhee thought as she sat there, silently eating her lunch.

There was clear tension at the table, no one daring to say a word to one another and Yunhee had to admit, it was getting really awkward.

She wasn't sure what surprised her more at this point. The fact that Chenle had stopped her from picking a fight with a senior or the fact that Mark had stopped Chenle from doing the same. Not to mention the fact that Chenle had mentioned that Sungho had something to do with Chaewon and this person named Soojin.

Maybe I'll ask Chenle when he's alone, Yunhee thought as they began cleaning up, getting ready for classes.

Once she was alone with Chenle in the halls, Yunhee decided to take her chance.

"Who's Soojin?" Yunhee asked, making Chenle stop moving.

Chenle looked like he had seen a ghost at the mention of the name, taking a deep breath.


The doors to the washroom opened and a few girls came out, giggling to each other. Chenle sighed before continuing to walk towards their next class, passing by Yunhee.

"I can't tell you that. It's top secret information."


I'm such a fool, Chenle thought as he sat there, reassembling the destroyed cellphone WInwin had given him.

The rest of the class were working with tasers, which Chenle had assembled in a minute.

To anyone else, that would have been amazing but not for Chenle. That was slow. Very slow. And it was all because his mind was distracted.

First he had stopped Yunhee from fighting Sungho. Then he had taken over, proceeding to fight with Sungho himself. But no, he didn't stop there but had to mention Soojin as well.

"Why. Am. I. So. Dumb?" Chenle muttered as he tried to place the piece in that wouldn't fit. He ended giving up, getting frustrated as he threw his tools down, to the surprise of everyone around him.

Yunhee didn't seem the least bit fazed though as she was focused on the taser in front of her.

"Is the piece upside down?" Yunhee asked.

Chenle stared at the part he was trying to shove in and realized that it was indeed in the wrong orientation.

"I hate you." Chenle mumbled as he picked up is tools again, placing the the piece in with ease now.

As he glanced over at Yunhee, he noticed that she had a smile on her face as she continued putting together the taser.


Yunhee was having mixed feelings about Chenle as the two were paired together for P&E.

It was out of character for him to stand up for her and almost spilled a secret for her. Something felt... off.

"Stop looking at me like that." Chenle said as he passed her a pair of boxing gloves. "Just because I helped you in the halls doesn't mean that I'm going to go easy in class."

"Bring it." Yunhee said, beckoning Chenle with her padded fist.

"Someone's in a bad mood." Chenle mumbled as Yunhee punched the padding he held as hard as she could.

"You would be too if you had to stare at that face all day." Yunhee replied without much thought.

"Yeah, because I'm so handsome, right?" Chenle said, moving his hand back at the last second.

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