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Nice going Chenle, you did it again, Chenle thought as he smiled to himself, passing the gun back to the man.

In exchange, the man gave Chenle a stack of cash, making Chenle narrow his eyes.

"This is fake." Chenle simply told him. "You promised me real money."

"Listen kid, how do I even know that you actually fixed my weapon?" The man asked him. Chenle simply shrugged his shoulders.

"You could try it."

"I could." The man said with a smirk as he pointed the gun straight at brick wall.

Stupid criminals.

Chenle shoved his hands in his pockets as the man pulled back on the trigger but nothing came out. The gun was jammed.

"Well, that's my sign to run." Chenle said before taking off.

"Yah, you little-"

Chenle smiled to himself as he ran out of the alleyway onto the streets. He twisted and turned, trying to lose the man that was hot on his trail.

"Excuse me, pardon me, I'm just going to, don't mind me!" The words flew out of his mouth as he ran around, pushing and shoving the people crowded on the streets.

Chenle hesitated as the sidewalk reached the end. He knew that the man was following him and his men were probably going to start chasing him soon once they find out that Chenle had messed with their weapons as well.

"Well, here goes nothing, I guess." Chenle muttered to himself as he ran across the road, despite the red light, making cars stop and honk their horns.

"Whoops." Chenle said as he heard two cars crash.

His little stunt seemed to do the trick though as he tucked himself into an alleyway, watching as the men ran straight pass him.

"Phew." Chenle let out a huge sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. He put his hood over his head, unwrapping the lollipop in his pocket and putting it in his mouth as he began to stroll through the streets.

That was a close one, Chenle thought but who was he kidding. They were always close ones.

Chenle froze as he caught sight of the police officer sliding in front of him, sticking his badge out.

"Zhong Chenle, you're under arrest. Again."



"What is it this time?"

Chenle lifted his head as he head his father enter the precinct, an unhappy look on his face.

"Your son helped these crooks steal 50 guns from the range." The officer told him.

"I actually disassembled them before I gave them over, none of them can shoot." Chenle clarified.

"Just be quiet, will you?" Chenle's father scolded.

Chenle sank back into the hard cement bench. "Whatever."

"How much is the bail this time?" His father asked. The officer showed him the paperwork.

Chenle stared at his fingernails as he waited for his father to sort things out. After a while, the officer came back, opening the cell for Chenle.

"See you later." Chenle said, giving the officer a wave as he walked by.

"Just get in the car, please." Chenle's father said he pushed his son out of the precinct.


"I'm going where?" Chenle exclaimed during dinner. His mother let out a deep sigh.

"A boarding school, it's called Neo Academy." Ms. Zhong said softly. "The maids already packed your bags, a representative will be picking you up tomorrow morning."

"But I don't want to go to a boarding school." Chenle whined. His father didn't seem very happy though.

"We didn't want to send you away either, but after bailing you out twice this week, we reconsidered." His father told him.

"They don't accept everyone either." His mother added. "The application was quite lengthy."

Chenle shot his parents a glare before pushing himself back, away from the table. "Whatever, I'm not hungry anymore."

Before either of his parents could say anything else, he stomped up the marble stairs of the mansion, slamming the door to his room.

I can't believe this is happening to me.


Chenle crossed his arms as he sat in the limo, being driven away from his home. The escort sat beside him in the back, a panel separating them from their driver.

The escort had introduced himself earlier as Kun. He had kind eyes and a wide grin on his face, but Chenle didn't buy it. Kun was from the stupid boarding school he had to go to, automatically making him someone that Chenle hated.

"So I heard you like playing with video games and messing with guns." Kun said, breaking the silence.

"And?" Chenle replied, eyes still glued to the window.

"I think you'll fit in very well with the students of our school."


I hope y'all like this so far :)

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I hope y'all like this so far :)

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