Chapter 25: A Surprising Reward Ceremony

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/Chapter 25: A Surprising Reward Ceremony

The bolt hit Percy square in the chest and sent him flying across the throne room, crashing into the far wall where he crumpled to the ground unmoving.

For an eerie few seconds after Percy hit the wall the throne room was in shocked silence. Even Zeus was frozen with a look of horror on his face as he realized he had just killed his nephew and most likely the one who had saved them all./

Everyone facepalmed, including Zeus.

/Zoe was frozen in shock along with most of the gods and goddesses in the room.

Then as if being unfrozen in time, multiple things happened at once.

Hades and Poseidon both turned to their brother without hesitation and blasted him back with a combination of sea green and black energy. Within seconds, Zeus was on the defensive trying to defend himself from two enraged members of the big three.

Zoe turned and sprinted to Percy's side, Persephone, Demeter and Hestia had already flashed there but were too frozen to touch him./

No one said a word.

/Athena grabbed Annabeth and flashed to the other side of the room where she stood protectively in front of her with Aegis out.

As Zoe reached Percy's side, she immediately slid onto her knees and gently put his head in her lap. Tears were falling from her eyes as she just held his head gently. She put a hand on his cheek before she froze when another hand reached up and grabbed hers.

Her eyes opened in shock as Percy had her hand pinned between his and his cheek.

"Ouch." Percy rasped out quietly./

For a moment everyone paused and Percy winced. "OW!" Percy whined as Zoe smacked him on the head.

Everyone burst out laughing, easing the tension in the room.

/Whether it was from relief he was alive or the fact that it was a very Percy like thing to say when being hit square in the chest by Zeus' master bolt, Zoe couldn't stop herself from laughing.

The three goddesses beside her wiped away their own tears before they smiled and knelt down beside Percy whose head still lay in Zoe's lap.

"Percy," Persephone said nervously. "Are you okay?"/

"Peachy," Percy said.

/Percy's left eye opened slowly as he locked on to his mother's greenish blue ones before a small smile appeared on his face.

"Honestly Mom, I've felt better. But I'll live." Percy said softly.

Persephone snorted and laughed at his response before she smiled and turned to find her husband with a sword at her father's throat right beside the trident leveled there by her uncle/brother-in-law. Before she could speak, a stern voice spoke above all others in the room.

"Dad!" Percy yelled. Both Hades and Poseidon turned to Percy, Hades shooting Poseidon a dirty look when he did. "Let's all relax. It was clearly a misunderstanding. Now I just had the longest three days of my life, let's all take it down a notch and talk this out." Percy said as he stood with his arm draped over Zoe's shoulders as he leaned on her./

"Yes, let's not wage another war," Athena agreed.

/Poseidon and Hades both removed their weapons from Zeus' throat and looked at Percy.

"How are you alive?" Poseidon asked in shock.

Percy rolled his eyes, "I didn't take a dip in the Styx for its clean and calm waters."/

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