Chapter 26: A Peaceful Life

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Percy picked up the book as he began to read the final chapter of the book.

Chapter 26: A Peaceful Life

Percy smiled before becoming more serious, "I also danced with Lady Artemis." He said quietly.

Poseidon was still trying to recover from that. he couldn't imagine his son dancing with the goddess who would have been more likely to fry a man than dance with one.

Zoe's eyes widened, "How did that go?"

"You assume I would hurt him?" Artemis asked her former lieutenant.

"Well, usually when you dance with a man, they usually return either burned or a jackalope," Zoe replied.

"I suppose I can't deny that," Artemis said with a smile.

Percy shrugged, "It was alright. A little scary at first but we're cool now."

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "Scary?"

Percy chose to quickly continue reading.

Zoe raised an eyebrow.

"She wanted to know why I turned down godhood." Percy said softly.

Zoe smiled as she knew exactly why Percy turned down godhood. It was for the same she turned down the offer to return to the Hunt.

Zoe nodded, "And why did you?" She asked with a small smile.

"I didn't want it. Besides, it seemed dumb to leave behind the person who tied me to my mortality especially after she turned down immortality a few minutes earlier." Percy whispered into her ear.

"I would have murdered you," Zoe said with a threatening yet innocent look.

Percy took that moment to give Zoe a light kiss on the lips. "You wouldn't murder me," Percy said with confidence.

"And why wouldn't I?" Zoe asked with a slight smile from the kiss.

Percy whispered, "You wouldn't want to be a widow? Would you?"

Zoe gave Percy a puzzled look but Percy chose to continue reading.

Zoe stepped back and looked at him shocked. Percy nodded, "It was you that pulled me out of the River Styx; the one who kept me grounded to the mortal world."

Zoe smiled at Percy's words.

Zoe stared at Percy for a second before her hands drifted to his hair as she pulled his face down into a soft kiss. Percy felt the weight of the world lift off his shoulders as her lips met his. Everything that had been there his whole life weighing him down leading up to then was finally gone and he was truly free.

"Yeah, get it, Percy!" Hermes and Apollo cheered.

They both received three arrows, one directly above their head, one directly below their crotch, and the other centimeters

Zoe pulled back from the kiss as their foreheads pressed together, "I love you Percy."

Percy's lips shifted into a soft smile, "I love you too Zoe."

"AW!!!" All of the ladies and Zercy or Peroe fans squealed making the two blush a deep red.

Zoe smiled as she pulled her head back from his. They both opened their eyes at the same time to find the music had stopped and every single person in the courtyard was looking at them.

Percy couldn't help but smile as he remembered how happy he was with Zoe.

Before they could say anything, almost everyone started cheering and applauding as both their faces turned cherry red.

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