Chapter 10: Capture the Flag

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Chapter 10: Capture the Flag

(4 Months Later)

Percy stayed on the defensive, allowing his opponent to continue attacking while he used his sword to fend off the strikes with relative ease. He tried to make it look like he was trying hard but he knew he wasn't all that good at acting.

"No he's not," Zoe said, glaring at Percy.

"Hey, you wanted to learn," Percy said. "That's the way I was taught, so I was doing the same to you, except a little more nicer."

"Damn it Percy, will you try?" Zoe yelled as she swung her blade at his legs.

Percy jumped over her blade and back-stepped before Zoe could strike again.

"I am trying Zoe. What would you have me do?" Percy asked in an annoyed tone.

Zoe growled as she lunged forward with a jab aimed at his abdomen. Percy side-stepped and made a half-hearted swipe towards her legs.

Zoe swatted the blade aside, "I don't need you to baby me Perseus. Just fight me." She hissed at him.

"I wasn't babying you," Percy said.

"I know, I was just frustrated. I'm a hunter, I get impatient when I don't learn something within five seconds," Zoe said.

"I know," Percy sighed.

Percy narrowed his eyes as Zoe lunged forward again. This time Percy stepped into the strike, swatting away her blade as he closed in, using his free hand to shove her off-balance he kicked her legs out from underneath her. Before she could slam into the ground, he put a hand to the back of her head to cushion it from the fall.

Zoe growled in frustration but calmed when Percy whispered something in her ear.

"You said you wanted to learn how to wield a sword. I will teach you but you need to be willing to learn the way I know how to teach you." Percy said as he offered her his hand.

Zoe grudgingly took his hand, "I don't need to be babied." She grumbled.

Percy shook his head but smiled a bit, "I'm not babying you I promise. You don't notice but every time we spar I pick up the intensity a notch. This is exactly how I was when I learned and I complained exactly how you're complaining. Luckily for you, I'm a lot nicer than Achilles; question him and he spends an hour smacking you around the arena with the flat of his blade."

Achilles chuckled remembering that day when Percy questioned his teaching and then ended up flying across the arena ending up with bruises all over the place.

Zoe nodded slowly, "I'm sorry, I just don't like feeling weak. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

"You're anything but weak Zoe and you know it. I'd be in for the fight of my life if you were using hunting knives. You just need to be patient, it's a new weapon for you and you're just barely learning to use it." Percy said.

Zoe smirked, "You are right; I would wipe the floor with you if I had my hunting knives."

"Not anymore," Percy said.

"We'll see. During the break we'll have a duel," Zoe said.


Percy raised an eyebrow, "I thought I remembered our last spar ending slightly differently."

Zoe scowled, "Everyone gets lucky once in a while."

"Lucky my ass," Percy mumbled.

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