Chapter 17: Dreams and Offers

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Annabeth picked up the book and began to read.

Chapter 17: Dreams and Offers

After coming back into camp, both Percy and Zoe received a number of questioning looks from campers as they walked back to their cabins. Most of which were ones of envy as the campers were slightly miffed the duo was apparently not too concerned with the rules of camp that everyone else had to follow.

"Some rules are meant to be broken," Hermes said. "Otherwise it would be no fun."

"For once, Hermes," Artemis said. "I agree with you."

Every look sent their way was met with a glare from Zoe while Percy just ignored them. Once they reached the Artemis cabin, Percy gave Zoe a simple nod and a small smile before retreating to cabin four for some much needed rest. The night spent out in the woods was not the most comfortable night's sleep he had ever gotten and he was grateful for the familiar comfort of his bunk in the Demeter cabin.

When he walked through the door, he was met with a smirking face of Katie, "Welcome back Percy."

"Good to be back," Percy smiled.

Percy plopped down on his bunk, "Don't wake me up until lunch tomorrow."

"Same," Apollo chuckled.

Katie chuckled, "You got it Percy. You have a nice little vacation from camp?"

Percy looked up at Katie from his bunk, "It had its highs and lows but I have to say I missed my bed. I am certainly ready to relax for a few days."

Katie smiled, "Good, camp not as fun without you here."

Percy looked at Katie curiously until he saw she was serious. A smile appeared on his face, "I missed you too Katie. You're easily my favorite aunt/cousin."

All of the demigods cringed knowing full well that relationships got complicated. Especially since most of their parents were related to Hera and Zeus in some way who were also brother and sister... it's just too complicated.

Katie looked at Percy confused before shaking her head, "Please don't remind me about some of the weirdness of being a demigod. You sleep in my cabin so I consider you my brother regardless of your parentage."

Percy and a few others laughed at that while he smiled proudly.

Percy smiled, "Good. Now this brother needs a good twelve to fourteen hours of sleep. Goodnight sis."

Katie grinned, "Goodnight little brother."

Katie couldn't help but smile at that. She liked Percy, a lot. Only as a brother of course.

Katie could hear Percy growl a bit under his blankets but the sound was soon replaced by his even breathing as Percy passed into the realm of Hypnos.

Once he drifted off to sleep, Percy found himself on a cruise ship sailing at night somewhere out in the Atlantic. Being a son of Poseidon by birth, he immediately knew he was about a mile off the coast of Virginia.

Something about the dream seemed too real to Percy before he quickly deduced he was trapped in another demigod dream. He walked around the apparently abandoned cruise ship as he searched for some sort of sign of life.

After a minute, the scene shifted without warning as he found himself standing amongst a group of monsters who were all looking at a figure who stood with his back to them on a balcony overlooking some type of large room in the middle of the cruise ship. Shops and restaurants surrounded the little area where the monsters were gathered but Percy couldn't find a single mortal save for demigods that he quickly assumed where amongst the traitors who joined the Titans.

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