Chapter 19: Missions and Traps

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/Chapter 19: Mission and Traps

Percy sat in the dining pavilion at the Demeter table with Katie and Zoe waiting for the rest of their group to make their way to breakfast to eat before they left. He had a pretty good plan for the mission, one that depended on each person he had picked. It looked like he was just bringing his friends but in reality, each person was picked for a specific reason. While they had made a few minor changes, Zoe had agreed with his plan, slightly surprised he had thought of such a good one on the fly. But Percy had had battle strategies drilled into his head constantly over the years he trained in the Underworld both by Theseus and Achilles./

Achilles and Theseus both smiled at that. It was a good plan after all. A really really good plan.

/After another ten minutes, his entire team was sitting with him at the Demeter table: two sons of Hermes, three sons of Apollo, a daughter of Ares, a daughter of Demeter, a son of Hades, a daughter of Atlas and former huntress, and a son and daughter of Athena, Malcolm being added to the group after Zoe and Percy had hammered out plans for how to implement Percy's idea./

Everyone who didn't know what happened, leaned forward wanting to know what Percy's plan was. Those who knew what happened, smiled at the memories of how good it felt when Percy's plan became a reality. Of course they lost a lot of people, but that moment... that moment was a good one.

/As they ate, Chiron cantered his way over to the group looking at them confused, "Percy, where are the rest?" He asked confused.

Percy smiled, "What others Chiron? I told you I would pick my companions and this is who I have chosen. I take it Zeus is going to let me use the group I want or should I head back to bed?"

Thunder rumbled overhead making most of the demigods and Chiron looked above them nervously. When no lightning followed, they all relaxed a bit.

"Percy, you are going up against a small army with at least two hundred monsters. How can you expect to even slow them down with such a small group?" Chiron asked disbelievingly./

Percy smirked as Athena looked at Percy intrigued, wondering what he could possibly be thinking because of course a group so small would be suicidal, would be insane, but she knew that Percy must have a plan, so what was it? She glanced at all the people of the room, looking at the faces to see if she could get some sort of a clue.

/Percy smiled and shook his head, "Because, these are the best camp has to offer. I have no doubts that we will not only slow them down but stop them all together. Our small numbers will be our advantage when we attack. We have the perfect combination of speed, strength and smarts; archers and hand to hand fighters."

Chiron shook his head at Percy disbelievingly, "If this is what you want but I hope you know what you're doing."/

"Me too, " Hades said.

/Percy nodded, "I have no doubt we will succeed. We will be back by tomorrow at the latest Chiron. Now where is my old friend Mr. D to wish us good luck?" He said as his smiled turned mischievous./

Dionysus rolled his eyes.

/Chiron struggled to hold back a chuckle, "He was rather displeased with the way you spoke to him yesterday but Poseidon was quick to defend both you and Zoe when he complained to the council. Zeus has sent him to check on the minor gods to avoid any more future conflicts the two of you might have and to hide him away from Lady Artemis who vowed to turn him into Jackelope at first sight."/

All of the hunters (current and ex) laughed at that.

/Most of the group started laughing while Zoe slid her hand into Percy's under the table. Percy looked at her questioningly but she avoided his eyes, just giving his hand a soft squeeze.

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