Chapter 16: Visiting The Parents

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Zoe took the book from Percy.

Chapter 16: Visiting the Parents

Zoe gave him a small smile before she leaned up and kissed him again softly before pushing him down in the sand on his back and cuddling up next to him, forgetting everything else in the world except how happy she felt cuddled up next to him on the beach.

Percy smiled and wrapped an arm around Zoe as she continued to read.

Percy wrapped his arms around Zoe as he stared up into the sky, his heart was heavy and he couldn't shake the feeling of bitterness he felt when he thought about how little time he might have left. The Fates truly were cruel. They make him live a childhood full of pain and misery only to find the first bit of true happiness with barely over a year left to live. He made a silent promise to himself that if he managed to come across the Fates again before he died, he would give them a primordial sized smack upside the head for making his life so difficult.

Thunder boomed in response.

Percy rolled his eyes at the Fates.

Percy looked down to find Zoe sleeping peacefully on his chest and couldn't help but smile. The mere sight of her face washed away the bitterness he was feeling only moments before. Percy slowly managed to get Zoe positioned in his arms so he could gently pick her up bridal style before walking into a shadow and reappearing inside the Artemis cabin. He walked her to her bed before he pulled back her blankets and tucked her in before stepping back. He thought about kissing her goodnight but stopped himself, deciding it was better not to disrespect the goddess of maidens inside her own cabin by kissing one of her former lieutenants.

"Thank you, Percy," Artemis said with a smile."I would prefer not to see my former sister kissing a man in my cabin, even if that man is a trusted one."

Percy simply stepped back and let the shadows consume him before he vanished from the Artemis cabin, whispering the words, "I'm sorry," before he vanished.

Percy reappeared inside the throne room of Hades and Persephone where both his parents were seated in their thrones talking before they both looked at Percy with surprised faces that quickly changed into looks of happiness.

"Perseus," Hades said with a small smile before Persephone got off her throne and hugged Percy tightly.

Percy smiled at the thought of being was his family. Persephone was happy that Percy accepted them as his parents. She was happy to have a son of her own, even if it was not her flesh and blood.

"So what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Persephone said warmly.

Percy gave his mother a small smile before turning back to his father with a serious expression, "I've come because I need your permission to enter Elysium father."

"But that is against ancient laws!" Zeus boomed.

"With all due respect, uncle, the ancient laws need to be changed. They were made eons ago. Times have changed. Perhaps, it's time you change them." Percy said, respectfully.

Hades looked at him curiously, "What? You know you can go there whenever you want. It certainly didn't stop you from sneaking your little friend in after the one time I gave you permission."

Percy smiled, sheepishly. He knew full well that his father would know if he brought someone into the Underworld, but it was still awkward just the same.

Percy's eyes widened before he sighed, "Not for this father. I need to visit someone in particular in Elysium and I don't dare do so without your permission."

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