Chapter 13: Pit Stop in Ogygia

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/Chapter 13: Pit Stop In Ogygia

Percy woke up feeling like he had been burned alive and blasted half way around the world. Then he paused, that is exactly what happened to him. The biggest question in his mind was how in his father's name was he alive. He knew for a fact he was alive, otherwise he wouldn't be in so much pain. His eyes slowly opened and saw he was in some kind of dark room. The walls and ceiling made him believe he was in a cave. The cave was surprisingly beautiful, the ceiling glittered with crystals. Percy moved a bit and noticed he was on a bed, a rather comfortable bed. Just as he tried to sit up, a soft voice spoke to him./

"Wait," Poseidon said. "Is that..."

"Yes," Percy said.

/"Rest. You are too weak to rise." A gentle feminine voice said to him./

Zoe raised an eyebrow. "Gentle?"

Percy gulped. "Not as gentle as you?"

Zoe rolled her eyes.

/Percy's eyes darted to his right where he saw a beautiful girl. She looked around sixteen years old. She had caramel colored hair and almond eyes. Her skin had a familiar coppery tint to it. Percy felt like he should know her. Her features seemed so familiar in his mind.

"Rest and heal. No one can harm you here. I am..." She started before Percy interrupted her.

"Calypso." He said softly./

Zoe raised an eyebrow at her sister's name.

/The girl's eyes widened in shock. She looked at Percy confused, "How did you know?"

Percy's lips quirked into a slight smile despite the pain it caused, "Odysseus." He answered.

Calypso's shock only grew, "But how is that even possible?"/

"Well, normally it wouldn't be," Theseus said. "But Percy isn't normal."

"Thanks," Percy said.

/Percy forced himself to sit up despite Calypso's protests, "I have many friends I should not."/

All of the dead people in the right corner of the room chuckled.

/Calypso stared at him confused but Percy ignored it as he looked around the room for a mirror. He saw one on a dresser in the corner of the room, "Can you hand me that mirror?"

Calypso looked strangely at him but got the mirror anyway and handed it to Percy. Percy prepared himself for the worst but was shocked to find his body not horribly disfigured. Instead, he looked normal other than his skin which was a few extra shades of red. His shirt was off and it looked like she had tried to treat some of his scars but he knew that was pointless./

"I shall have a word with her later," Zoe mumbled.

Percy chuckled.

/Percy shook his head and smiled, "Good, just the normal amount of disfigured."/

Everyone chuckled.

/Calypso just looked at him bewildered but Percy held up his hand to stop her from asking.

"Follow me out to the sea and I will explain things to you." Percy said as he slowly and painfully rose to his feet.

Calypso silently followed Percy outside. Percy covered his eyes from the blinding sun as it took him a few minutes to adjust. Percy finally made his way to the shore where he dropped himself into the water, allowing the urge for pain relief outweigh his usual distaste for using his water powers./

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