Chapter 5: Start of a Quest

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Hestia flipped to chapter five.

Chapter 5: Start of the Quest

Percy sat in the very back of the van as they traveled out of New York and jumped on the interstate heading south. His eyes were closed and his headphones in as thoughts raced through his mind.

"What were you listening to?" Apollo asked.

"Green Day and Eminem," Percy said.

"Don't lie," Zoë scolded. "You were definitely listening to Under the Sea."

Percy sighed and nodded. "Guilty, but I was listening to Green Day too. There are sons of Hades in that band, you know.

Apollo nodded, not surprised by Under the Sea as Poseidon listened to the same music.

He was slightly surprised to find himself on a quest with four girls heading to save a man hating goddess who had somehow managed to get captured. The lines of the prophecy ran through his mind as he tried and failed to force them out. In all honesty, he had no fear of death. Most of his friends were dead, the fallen heroes who had trained him during his years in the Underworld. If anything, dying would be more like going home for him. That being said, he wasn't exactly trying to get himself killed. As the last line of the prophecy ran through his mind, he felt himself drifting off to sleep.

Percy wrapped Zoe in his arms knowing what was coming up.

Percy felt himself enter into a dream that he immediately knew wasn't normal. It didn't seem like he was in it, he was more like a spectator watching someone else's experience. He saw a large man wearing an old style Greek tunic with a lion's pelt draped over his back like a cape. He was being led by the hand by a girl with dark black hair as they ran through a beautiful garden. It was nighttime and millions of stars littered the night sky. The woman dragged the man behind a bush where they both collapsed breathing heavily from running.

"This sounds familiar," Artemis said leaning forward.

"There is no need to run," the man told her, "I have bested a thousand monsters with my bare hands."

"Strength doesn't mean greatness or goodness," Percy said.

"Not this one, Ladon is too strong. You must go around, up the mountain to my father. It is the only way." The girl told him. The girl sounded concerned, like she cared deeply for the man.

"Not anymore," Zoe hissed.

Percy rubbed her shoulders in a soothing way. She smiled and kissed her boyfriend as he kissed back.

"I don't trust your father." He said.

"You should not, you will have to trick him. But you cannot take the prize directly. You will die." She told him seriously.

The man chuckled, "Then why don't you help me, pretty one?"

"I want to kill him," Percy gritted his teeth.

"Shh, he's already dead and rotting for everything he did to me," Zoe said. "When we get back, we should pay a visit though, make him really pay for everything.

This guy was arrogant. Percy could already tell he didn't like him. He also didn't seem to care the same way for the girl as she did for him.

Zoe looked down a little but smiled as Percy kissed her and gave her similar reassurance. Without hesitation she kissed back before pulling away turning their attention back to Hestia.

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