Chapter 3: Hello, Poseidon

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Artemis flipped to the correct page and started reading.

Chapter 3: Hello, Poseidon

Artemis had the hunters set up camp near the woods of the boarding school before teleporting herself and Percy to Olympus. They reappeared outside the throne room where Artemis shoved Percy through the doors. Percy stumbled through the doors and came face to face with twelve Olympian Gods and Goddesses all looking at him surprised. Artemis roughly shoved Percy towards the middle of the room and was about to flash to her seat when a voice stopped her in her tracks.

"How dare you treat my grandson like that in my presence?" A female voiced hissed at a now wide-eyed Artemis.

Everyone in the room turned with confused looks towards Demeter who was glaring at Artemis angrily.

"Yeah, go Demeter!" Hermes and Apollo cheered.

"Will you two stop that!" Artemis yelled in frustration.

"Don't worry Grandma, I came with her willingly." Percy said with a smirk as he looked around at everyone's confused faces.

"Then why are you in shackles? " Demeter asked glaring at her niece.

"Lady Demeter, I would appreciate if you let me do the reading," Artemis teased.

"What do you mean?" Demeter asked turning towards Artemis.

"Then why are you in shackles?" Demeter asked still glaring at Artemis.

"Oh," Demeter said, blushing.

Percy's smirk grew and pulled on the shackles and revealed his free hands as he held the shackles in one hand now.

"How did you get out?" Artemis asked.

"A magician never shares his secrets," Percy smirked.

"It was better to have her not worry about me trying to escape, although these were rather easy to get free from." Percy said as he dropped the shackles on the ground.

"But, you could already escape?" Artemis said confused.

"Yes, but you didn't know that," Percy replied.

"Who are you?" Zeus bellowed after his confusion wore off.

"The most awesomest badass demigod ever known," Apollo answered.

Percy turned towards the King of the Gods, "I am Perseus Jackson, Son of Hades and Persephone."

"You know, I think I like Apollo's answer better," Percy grinned.

Zoe playfully smacked him. "Don't let Apollo corrupt you," Zoe whispered.

"You're a god?" Artemis asked shocked.

"No, why would I want to be? I don't understand how you guys can like being immortal. Every second you have to watch the people you love die right before your eyes, but you can't do anything about it, except move on. Don't you guys ever wish you were mortal?" Percy asked.

"Occasionally I do," Artemis said. "Watching my hunters die before my eyes, is hard, but I keep reminding myself that they are happy. That they are in Elysium or possibly the Isles of the Blest."

All the goddesses nodded. Even Aphrodite. All the gods, except for Zeus, Dionysus, and Ares.

Percy shook his head, "I am the adopted son of Hades and Persephone. My birth father abandoned my mother and I before I was taken in by my real father Hades when I was ten."

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